City of HamiltonHAMILTON MUNICIPAL HERITAGE COMMITTEE ADDENDUMMeeting #:24-009Date:Friday, October 25, 2024Time: 12:00 P.m. - 3:00 P.m.Location:Room 264, 2nd Floor, City Hall (hybrid) (RM)71 Main Street WestMatt Gauthier, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 64375.COMMUNICATIONS Public Comments: 5.3Correspondence from Anita Fabac, Acting Director, Planning and Chief Planner, respecting Notice of Passing of By-law No. 24-162 to Designate 291 King Street West, Dundas under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act - REVISED 1.NoticeofPassing_OHT_291King-REVISED.pdfRecommendation: Be received.6.DELEGATION REQUESTS Public Comments: 6.1Kevin Freeman, Kaneff Group, respecting Item 10.2 - Notice of Intention to Demolish the Building Located at 85 Catharine Street North, Hamilton, being a Non-Designated Property Listed on the Municipal Heritage Register (PED24189) (Ward 2) 1.Delegation Request - Kevin Freeman_Redacted.pdf8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS Public Comments: 8.2Recommendation to Designate 21-25 Jones Street, Stoney Creek (the Powerhouse), under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act (PED24190) (Ward 5) - REVISED 1.PED24190 - REVISED.pdf2.PED24190 Appendix A.pdf3.PED24190 Appendix B - REVISED.pdf4.PED24190 Appendix C.pdf5.PED24190 Appendix D.pdf6.21 Jones Street Presentation.pdfNo Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.NoticeofPassing_OHT_291King-REVISED.pdf1.PED24190 - REVISED.pdf2.PED24190 Appendix A.pdf3.PED24190 Appendix B - REVISED.pdf4.PED24190 Appendix C.pdf5.PED24190 Appendix D.pdf6.21 Jones Street Presentation.pdf1.Delegation Request - Kevin Freeman_Redacted.pdf