City of HamiltonHERITAGE PERMIT REVIEW SUB-COMMITTEEADDENDUMMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, November 12, 2024Time: 5:00 P.m. - 7:30 P.m.Location:YouTube Channel Streaming for Virtual MeetingsAll electronic meetings can be viewed at:City’s YouTube Channel: Bent, E-mail:, Phone: ext. 6663 Meg Oldfield, E-mail:, Phone: ext. 7163 Dawn Cordeiro, E-mail:, Phone: ext. 6145 Alissa Golden, Email:, Phone: ext. 12025.COMMUNICATIONS Public Comments: 5.1Correspondence respecting Item 10.3 - HP2024-033 – 108 James Street North / 111-113 Hughson Street North (Tivoli Theatre, Part IV), from the following individuals: Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item 10.3a.Tim Potocic 1.Tim Potocic.pdfb.Janice Brown 1.Janice Brown_Redacted.pdfNo Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Janice Brown_Redacted.pdf1.Tim Potocic.pdf