City of HamiltonPUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE ADDENDUMMeeting #:24-017Date:Monday, December 02, 2024Time: 1:30 P.m. - 3:30 P.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestCarrie McIntosh, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 27296.DELEGATION REQUESTS Public Comments: 6.1Alex Sears respecting HSR Issues and Garbage Collection (In person) (For a future meeting) 1.06.1 - Delegation Request - Alex Sears re HSR issues and garbage collection_Redacted.pdf6.2Delegation Requests respecting Item 9.3, Hamilton Street Railway Accessibility Delegation Response (PW24084) (City Wide) (For today's meeting) a.James Kemp (Virtually) - WITHDRAWN 1.06.2 a - Delegation Request - James Kemp_Redacted.pdfb.Tim Nolan, Accessibility Hamilton Alliance (In person) - WITHDRAWN 1.06.2 b - Tim Nolan, Accessibility Hamilton Alliance_Redacted.pdf6.3James Kemp respecting Item 9.4, Changes to Bus Detour Communications (PW24086) (City Wide) (Virtually) (For today's meeting) - WITHDRAWN 1.06.3 - Delegation Request - James Kemp_Redacted.pdf9.CONSENT ITEMS Public Comments: 9.1Feasibility and Costs to Construct a Multi-Use Trail on the South Side of Mud Street (PED24224/PW24079) (Ward 9) - REVISED 1.PED24224 PW24079.pdf2.PED24224_PW24079 - Appendix A.pdf3.PED24224_PW24079 - Appendix B.pdf4.PED24224_PW24079 - Appendix C.pdf9.7Waste Management Sub-Committee Report 24-004 - November 14, 2024 - REVISED 1.Waste Management Sub-Committee Report 24-004 - November 14, 2024.pdf12.MOTIONS Public Comments: 12.2Feasibility Study for the Relocation of the Kenora Transfer Station (Ward 5) - REVISED 1.12.2 - Motion - Feasibility Study for the Relocation of the Kenora Transfer Station (Ward 5).pdfNo Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.06.1 - Delegation Request - Alex Sears re HSR issues and garbage collection_Redacted.pdf1.06.3 - Delegation Request - James Kemp_Redacted.pdf1.06.2 a - Delegation Request - James Kemp_Redacted.pdf1.06.2 b - Tim Nolan, Accessibility Hamilton Alliance_Redacted.pdf1.Waste Management Sub-Committee Report 24-004 - November 14, 2024.pdf1.PED24224 PW24079.pdf2.PED24224_PW24079 - Appendix A.pdf3.PED24224_PW24079 - Appendix B.pdf4.PED24224_PW24079 - Appendix C.pdf1.12.2 - Motion - Feasibility Study for the Relocation of the Kenora Transfer Station (Ward 5).pdf