City of Hamilton AUDIT, FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ADDENDUMMeeting #:18-003Date:Monday, March 26, 2018Time: 9:30 A.m. - 12:30 P.m.Location:Council Chambers, Hamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestAngela McRae, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 59874.DELEGATION REQUESTS4.2Fausto Carnicelli, Southmount Healthcare Centre Inc, respecting background support to the request for a forbearance agreement with respect to Development Charge Deferral. (For today's meeting)1.04.2 - Carnicelli - REDACTED - AFA - March 20, 2018.pdf4.3Zachary Waxman, respecting interest on property tax bill unable to be credited. (For a future meeting)1.4_3_-_Waxman_-_REDACTED.pdf4.4Don McLean, respecting Item 8.2 - Area-Specific Development Charges - 2019 Development Charges Background Study (FCS18034) (City Wide) (For today's meeting)1.04_4_-_McLean_-_REDACED_-_ADDED_ITEM.pdf5.CONSENT ITEMS5.11Correspondence from Mr. Shekar Chandrashekar, respecting Item 5.3, Regarding a Response to the Freedom of Information Request to Access to Police Services Accounting Records (FCS18030)1.5.11 - Correspondence from Mr. Shekar Chandrashekar.pdf6.PUBLIC HEARINGS / DELEGATIONS6.2Fausto Carnicelli, Southmount Healthcare Centre Inc, respecting background support to the request for a forbearance agreement with respect to Development Charges Deferral. (Pending approval of Item 4.2)6.3Don McLean, respecting Item 8.2 - Area-Specific Development Charges - 2019 Development Charges Background Study (FCS18034) (City Wide) (Pending approval of Item 4.4)1.Area specific DCs.pdf10.NOTICES OF MOTION10.3Joe Sams Leisure Park Shade Structure1.10.3 - Notice of Motion -Joe Sams Leisure Park Shade Structure.pdfNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.04.2 - Carnicelli - REDACTED - AFA - March 20, 2018.pdf1.4_3_-_Waxman_-_REDACTED.pdf1.04_4_-_McLean_-_REDACED_-_ADDED_ITEM.pdf1.10.3 - Notice of Motion -Joe Sams Leisure Park Shade Structure.pdf1.5.11 - Correspondence from Mr. Shekar Chandrashekar.pdf1.Area specific DCs.pdf