City of HamiltonGENERAL ISSUES COMMITTEE ADDENDUMMeeting #:21-008Date:Wednesday, April 20, 2022Time: 9:30 A.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Due to the COVID-19 and the Closure of City Hall (CC)All electronic meetings can be viewed at:City’s Website: City's YouTube Channel: or Cable 14Stephanie Paparella, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 39935.COMMUNICATIONS Public Comments: 5.1Correspondence respecting Item 8.2 - Report PED17010(p), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review – Deferred Employment Land Conversion Requests Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item 8.2.a.David Aston, Vice President and Partner, MHBC Planning, Urban Design and Landscape Architecture 1.Correspondence - David Aston, MHBC.pdfb.Joyce van Dop 1.Correspondence - Joyce van Dop - Waterdown Petition (redacted).pdfc.Mary Thompson 1.Correspondence - Mary Thompson (redacted).pdf5.2Correspondence respecting Item 8.3 - Report PED17010)(q), Evaluation of Urban Boundary Expansion Requests - Waterdown Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item 8.3.a.Connor Harris, Rayman Beitchman LLP 1.Correspondence - Connor Harris, Rayman Beitchman LLP, regarding 347 Parkside Drive.pdf2.Correspondence - Connor Harris - Parkside Drive, Waterdown.pdf6.DELEGATION REQUESTS Public Comments: 6.1Bianca Caramento, Bay Area Climate Change Council, to present the BACCC's 'Options for Travel: Giving Residents a Real Choice Report 1.6.1 Request to Speak - Bianca Caramento, Bay Area Climate Change Council (redacted).pdf(For the May 4, 2022 GIC)6.2John Corbett and/or Nick Wood, Corbett Land Strategies Inc., respecting Item 8.2 - Report PED17010(p), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review – Deferred Employment LandConversion Requests 1.6.2 John Corbett - Letter.pdf2.6.2 Request to Speak - John Corbett and Nick Wood, Corbett Land Strategies.pdf6.3Frances Grabowski, McMaster Innovation Park, respecting Item 8.2 - Report PED17010(p), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review – Deferred Employment Land Conversion Requests 1.6.3 Request to Speak - Frances Grabowski, McMaster Innovation Park.pdf6.4Nancy Frieday, GSP Group Inc., respecting Item 8.3 - Report PED17010)(q), Evaluation of Urban Boundary Expansion Requests - Waterdown 1.6.4 Nancy Frieday, GSP Group Inc.pdf2.6.4 Nancy Frieday - Letter.pdf6.5Mike Crough, IBI Group Inc., respecting Item 8.3 - Report PED17010)(q), Evaluation of Urban Boundary Expansion Requests - Waterdown 1.6.5 Request to Speak - Mike Crough, IBI Group Hamilton.pdf2.6.5 Mike Crough - Presentation.pdf6.6Louis Frapporti and P.J. Mercanti, Hamilton100 Commonwealth Games Committee, respecting an update on the 2030Commonwealth Games Bid initiative 1.6.6 Request to Speak - Louis Frapporti and PJ Mercanti, Hamilton100 Commonwealth Games Committee.pdf(For a future GIC)6.7Dr. Lynda Lukasik, Environment Hamilton, respecting Item 8.3 - Report PED17010)(q), Evaluation of Urban Boundary Expansion Requests - Waterdown 1.6.7 Lynda Lukasik, Environment Hamilton.pdf6.8Nancy Smith, Turstra Mazza Associates, respecting Item 8.3 - Report PED17010)(q), Evaluation of Urban Boundary Expansion Requests - Waterdown 1.6.8 Request to Speak - Nancy Smith, Turkstra Mazza Associates.pdf2.6.8 Nancy Smith, Letter.pdf3.8.2 PED17010(p) - Presentation.pdf12.NOTICES OF MOTION Public Comments: 12.1Climate Change Action – Bay Area Climate Change Council Options for Travel Recommendations 1.12.1 Notice of Motion - BACCC Options for Travel Recommendations (Danko).pdfNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.6.1 Request to Speak - Bianca Caramento, Bay Area Climate Change Council (redacted).pdf1.6.2 John Corbett - Letter.pdf2.6.2 Request to Speak - John Corbett and Nick Wood, Corbett Land Strategies.pdf1.6.3 Request to Speak - Frances Grabowski, McMaster Innovation Park.pdf1.6.4 Nancy Frieday, GSP Group Inc.pdf2.6.4 Nancy Frieday - Letter.pdf1.6.5 Request to Speak - Mike Crough, IBI Group Hamilton.pdf2.6.5 Mike Crough - Presentation.pdf1.6.6 Request to Speak - Louis Frapporti and PJ Mercanti, Hamilton100 Commonwealth Games Committee.pdf1.6.7 Lynda Lukasik, Environment Hamilton.pdf1.6.8 Request to Speak - Nancy Smith, Turkstra Mazza Associates.pdf2.6.8 Nancy Smith, Letter.pdf3.8.2 PED17010(p) - Presentation.pdf1.Correspondence - David Aston, MHBC.pdf1.Correspondence - Joyce van Dop - Waterdown Petition (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence - Mary Thompson (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence - Connor Harris, Rayman Beitchman LLP, regarding 347 Parkside Drive.pdf2.Correspondence - Connor Harris - Parkside Drive, Waterdown.pdf1.12.1 Notice of Motion - BACCC Options for Travel Recommendations (Danko).pdf