City of HamiltonHERITAGE PERMIT REVIEW SUB-COMMITTEEADDENDUMMeeting #:HPRC 25-002Date:Tuesday, February 18, 2025Time: 5:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Location:YouTube Channel Streaming for Virtual MeetingsAll electronic meetings can be viewed at:City’s YouTube Channel: Golden, Email: [email protected], Phone: ext. 1202 Lisa Christie, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: ext. 1291 Meg Oldfield, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: ext. 7163 Scott Dickinson, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: ext. 71679.HERITAGE PERMIT APPLICATIONS Public Comments: 9.2HP2025-003 – 155 Main St N, Flamborough (Crimson Maples / Mill Street HCD, Part V) - REVISED 1.HP2025-003_155 Main Street North, Flamborough_Notesheet - REVISED.pdf2.HP2025-003_Submitted Drawings.pdf Demolition of the existing contemporary one storey detached (24' x 24') garage; Demolition of the detached rear woodshed (approximately 140 sqft); and Construction of a new two-storey detached (24' x 29') structure, including: A two-door garage in the first storey with carriage-style doors; White vinyl windows with mullions; Clapboard siding (materials to be confirmed); and, Asphalt shingles. 9.5Pre-Consultation – 1021 Garner Road East, Ancaster (The Lampman Stone House, Part IV) - WITHDRAWN Construction of two seven-storey structures surrounding the heritage home. No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.HP2025-003_155 Main Street North, Flamborough_Notesheet - REVISED.pdf2.HP2025-003_Submitted Drawings.pdf