City of HamiltonPUBLIC HEALTH COMMITTEEADDENDUMMeeting #:24-009Date:Monday, November 04, 2024Time: 9:30 A.m. - 12:00 P.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestMatt Gauthier, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 64376.DELEGATION REQUESTS Public Comments: 6.1Delegation Requests respecting Item 11.1, Unsupervised Distribution of Illegal Drug Paraphernalia Including Needles and Crack Pipes, for today's meeting, from the following individuals: Public Comments: d.Mary Vaccaro, YWCA Hamilton (In-Person) 1.06.1(d) Request to Speak - Mary Vaccaro - YWCA Hamilton_Redacted.pdf11.MOTIONS Public Comments: 11.1Unsupervised Distribution of Illegal Drug Paraphernalia Including Needles and Crack Pipes - REVISED 1.Unsupervised Distribution of Illegal Drug Paraphernalia Including Needles and Crack Pipes - Revised.pdfNo Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.06.1(d) Request to Speak - Mary Vaccaro - YWCA Hamilton_Redacted.pdf1.Unsupervised Distribution of Illegal Drug Paraphernalia Including Needles and Crack Pipes - Revised.pdf