INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUB-COMMITTEEAGENDA 821 JUNE 2010 SOUS-COMITÉ DE LA TECHNOLOGIE DE L’INFORMATIONORDRE DU JOUR 8LE 21 JUIN 2010 City of Hamilton GENERAL ISSUES COMMITTEE August 09, 2017, 9:30 AM Council Chambers, Hamilton City Hall, 71 Main Street West Stephanie Paparella, Legislative Coordinator 905 546-2424 x3993 1. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with **) 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4. DELEGATION REQUESTS 4.1 ** Milena Balta respecting 8.1 - Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) Environmental Project Report (EPR) Addendum for B-Line (PED17056(a)); and, 10.1 Keep Hamilton’s Light Rail Transit (LRT) Public - Operation and Maintenance of LRT in Hamilton 4.2 ** Gaspare Bonomo respecting Concerns pertaining to Light Rail Transit 4.3 ** Michelle Hruschka respecting Item 10.1 - Keep Hamilton’s Light Rail Transit (LRT) Public - Operation and Maintenance of LRT in Hamilton 4.4 ** Carol Lazich respecting Concerns pertaining to Light Rail Transit 4.5 ** Julie Gordon respecting pertaining to Item 8.1 - Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) Environmental Project Report (EPR) Addendum for B-Line (PED17056(a)) 4.6 ** Mark Silenzi respecting Concerns pertaining to Light Rail Transit 4.7 ** Franco Corti respecting Concerns pertaining to the Approved Environmental Assessment for the Hamilton Light Rail Transit 4.8 ** Donna Crockett respecting Concerns pertaining to the Approved Environmental Assessment for the Hamilton Light Rail Transit 4.9 ** Mark Rejhon & Alain H. Bureau respecting Item 8.1 - Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) Environmental Project Report (EPR) Addendum for B-Line (PED17056(a)) 5. CONSENT ITEMS 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS / DELEGATIONS 7. PRESENTATIONS 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS 8.1 ** Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) Environmental Project Report (EPR) Addendum for B-Line (PED17056(a)) (City Wide) - APPENDICES ADDED 9. MOTIONS 10. NOTICES OF MOTION 10.1 Keep Hamilton’s Light Rail Transit (LRT) Public - Operation and Maintenance of LRT in Hamilton 10.2 ** Endorsement of a Unionized Hamilton Light Rail Transit Work Force 11. GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 11.1 ** Correspondence from Henry Geissler, respecting a Petition containing 188 Signatures regarding Removal of Trees in the International Village, as it relates to the Light Rail Transit Project 11.2 ** Correspondence from Peter O’Hagan, respecting Concerns related to the Hamilton Light Rail Transit Project 11.3 ** Correspondence from Robert Brosius, respecting the Hamilton Light Rail Transit Project 11.4 ** Correspondence from Cynthia Lokker respecting Continued Support of the Hamilton Light Rail Transit Project 11.5 ** Correspondence from Mike Gallagher, Business Manager – Local 793 and International Vice President, International Union of Operating Engineers 12. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 13. ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1. Hamilton Light Rail Transit LRT Environmenta - 8.1 PED17056a.pdf2. Hamilton Light Rail Transit LRT Environmenta - 8.1 PED17056a - Appendix A - Minister Proponent Letter 1.pdf3. Hamilton Light Rail Transit LRT Environmenta - 8.1 PED17056a - Appendix B - Ministers Notice to Allow a Change .pdf1.Keep Hamiltons Light Rail Transit LRT Public - - 10.1 Notice of Motion - Operation and Maintenance of the LRT in Hamilton.pdf1. Correspondence from Henry Geissler respecting - 11.1 Correspondence - Henry Geissler.pdf1. Correspondence from Peter OHagan respecting - 11.2 Correspondence - Peter OHagan.pdf1. Correspondence from Robert Brosius respecting - 11.3 Correspondence - Robert Brosius.pdf1. Correspondence from Cynthia Lokker respecting - 11.4 Correspondence - Cynthia Lokker.pdf1. Correspondence from Mike Gallagher Business M - 11.5 Correspondence - Intl Union of Operating Engineers.pdf1. Gaspare Bonomo respecting Concerns pertaining - 4.2 Delegation Request - Gaspare Bonomo.pdf1. Milena Balta respecting 8.1 - Hamilton Light R - 4.1 Delegation Request - Milena Balta.pdf1. Michelle Hruschka respecting Item 10.1 - Keep - 4.3 Delegation Request - Michelle Hruschka.pdf1. Carol Lazich respecting Concerns pertaining to - 4.4 Delegation Request - Carol Lazich.pdf2. Carol Lazich respecting Concerns pertaining to - 4.4 Handout - Carol Lazich.pdf1. Julie Gordon respecting pertaining to Item 8.1 - 4.5 Delegation Request - Julie Gordon.pdf1. Mark Silenzi respecting Concerns pertaining to - 4.6 Delegation Request - Mark Silenzi.pdf1.Franco Corti respecting Concerns pertaining to - 4.7 Delegation Request - Franco Corti.pdf1. Donna Crockett respecting Concerns pertaining - 4.8 Delegation Request - Donna Crockett.pdf1. Mark Rejhon Alain H. Bureau respecting Item - 4.9 Delegation Request - Mark Rejhon Alain H. Bureau.pdf1. Endorsement of a Unionized Hamilton Light Rail - 10.2 Notice of Motion A. Johnson.pdf