INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUB-COMMITTEEAGENDA 821 JUNE 2010 SOUS-COMITÉ DE LA TECHNOLOGIE DE L’INFORMATIONORDRE DU JOUR 8LE 21 JUIN 2010 City of Hamilton LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT SUB COMMITTEE July 26, 2016, 1:00 PM Council Chambers, Hamilton City Hall, 71 Main Street West Lauri Leduc, Legislative Coordinator 905 546-2424 x4102 1. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA (Added Items) 2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 3.1 May 2, 2016 4. DELEGATION REQUESTS 4.1 Mary Aduckiewicz with R. Denninger Limited, respecting their thoughts on the LRT Project (for today's meeting) 4.2 Kelly Bistas, P&A Plastics Inc. and The Lewis Group of Companies, respecting the Concerns of Business Owners in the International Village BIA with the LRT Project (for today's meeting) 4.3 ** Alain H. Bureau and Mark Rejhon, Hamilton LRT Citizen Advocacy Group, respecting the Delta LRT Station at Gage Park, the Upcoming Public Consultations, the LRT Report by Councillor Terry Whitehead and the Positive LRT Developments such as the International Village 5. CONSENT ITEMS 5.1 Correspondence from Sean Hurley, on behalf of the Crown Point Planning Team, respecting a Delta/Gage Park LRT Station 5.2 Correspondence referred from the May 11, 2016 Council meeting: (a Jim Szabo respecting the LRT Plans (b Residents from residents of the community and businesses on Barton Street respecting a petition containing 21 signatures requesting that the bump-outs and day-long (including rush hour) parking be preserved and made permanent to ensure safety, calm traffic and improve the public realm (A copy of the petition is available for viewing in the Office of the City Clerk) (c Gord Thompson respecting the LRT (d Ken Watson respecting plans to develop the LRT through Downtown Hamilton 5.3 Correspondence referred from the May 25, 2016 Council meeting: (a North End Neighbours respecting Support for LRT in Hamilton (b Rolston Neighbourhood Planning Team respecting Support for the LRT in Hamilton (c Correspondence from James Arlen respecting Support for the LRT Project 5.4 Correspondence from LiUNA Local 837 respecting Hamilton's LRT Project 5.5 Correspondence from Darko Vranich, President and CEO, Vrancor Group Inc., respecting Support for the LRT Project 5.6 Correspondence from the Hamilton Burlington Society of Architects respecting Support for the LRT Project 5.7 ** Herb Wodehouse, Chair, International Village BIA Board of Management, respecting LRT Project Plans in the International Village BIA 5.8 ** The Sherman Hub Community Planning Team respecting Expression of Support for the LRT Initiative 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS / DELEGATIONS 7. PRESENTATIONS 7.1 Update on the Community Connectors Program (**presentation attached) 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS 8.1 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) Update (PED16171) (City Wide) 8.2 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Stop Location in International Village (PED16178) (City Wide) 9. MOTIONS 10. NOTICES OF MOTION 11. GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 12. ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.May 2 2016 - EDRMS_n592340_v1_LRT_Minutes_16-003_May_2.pdf1.Correspondence from Sean Hurley on behalf of the - EDRMS_n595539_v1_Item_5_1_-_letter_from_Sean_Hurley_Crown_Point.pdf1.Jim Szabo respecting the LRT Plans - EDRMS_n595578_v1_Correspondence_Jim_Szabo.pdf1.Residents from residents of the community and busi - EDRMS_n595580_v1_Barton_Street_Petition.pdf1.Gord Thompson respecting the LRT - EDRMS_n595579_v1_LRT_Letter_Gord_Thompson.pdf1.Ken Watson respecting plans to develop the LRT thr - EDRMS_n592548_v1_5_13_-_Ken_Watson_re_LRT.pdf1.North End Neighbours respecting Support for LRT in - EDRMS_n595577_v1_North_End_Neighbours_re_LRT.pdf1.Rolston Neighbourhood Planning Team respecting Sup - EDRMS_n595575_v1_Rolston_PT_-_LRT_letter_to_council.pdf1.Correspondence from LiUNA Local 837 respecting Ham - 20160715150213.pdf1.Update on the Community Connectors Program pres - EDRMS_n596045_v1_FINAL_Community_Connector_-_Update_July2016.pdf1.Light Rail Transit LRT Transit Project Assessmen - EDRMS_n595623_v1_PED16171.pdf1.Light Rail Transit LRT Stop Location in Internat - EDRMS_n595625_v1_PED16178.pdf1.Correspondence from Darko Vranich President and C - EDRMS_n595573_v1_Letter_-Darko_Vranich.pdf1.Correspondence from the Hamilton Burlington Societ - EDRMS_n595572_v1_Architects_LRT_Letter_Reconfirmation.pdf1.Correspondence from James Arlen respecting Support - EDRMS_n595576_v1_James_Arlen_re_LRT.pdf1.Mary Aduckiewicz with R. Denninger Limited respec - EDRMS_n595624_v1_Delegation_Request_denningers.pdf1.Kelly Bistas PA Plastics Inc. and The Lewis Grou - EDRMS_n595622_v1_Delegation_Request_Bistas.pdf1. Alain H. Bureau and Mark Rejhon Hamilton LRT C - Rejhon_Delegation_Request_REdacted.pdf1. Herb Wodehouse Chair International Village BI - Letter to LRT Sub-Committee July 21st 2016.pdf1. The Sherman Hub Community Planning Team respect - ShermanHub_LetterOfSupport_LRT.pdf