City of HamiltonPUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEEAGENDAMeeting #:24-017Date:Monday, December 02, 2024Time: 1:30 P.m. - 3:30 P.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestCarrie McIntosh, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 27291.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1November 18, 2024 1.04.1 - Minutes (November 18, 2024)(1).pdf5.COMMUNICATIONS 5.1Correspondence from Lacie Dearsley respecting Speed Humps 1.05.1 - Correspondence - Lacie Dearsley re Speed Humps_Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received.6.DELEGATION REQUESTS 7.DELEGATIONS 7.1Lisa DiCesare respecting Traffic Safety on Middletown Road (In person) (Approved November 18, 2024) 8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 9.CONSENT ITEMS 9.2Tim Hortons Field Food Waste and Recycling (PW24083) (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List Item) 1.PW24083 - Tim Hortons Field Food Waste and Recycling.pdf2.PW24083 - Appendix A.pdf3.PW24083 - Appendix B.pdf9.3Hamilton Street Railway Accessibility Delegation Response (PW24084) (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List Item) 1.PW24084 - Hamilton Street Railway Accessibility Delegation Response.pdf2.PW24084 - Appendix A.pdf9.4Accessible Transportation Services 2023 Customer Satisfaction Results (PW24085) (City Wide) 1.PW24085 - Accessible Transportation Services 2023 Customer Satisfaction Results.pdf9.5Changes to Bus Detour Communications (PW24086) (City Wide) 1.PW24086 - Changes to Bus Detour Communications.pdf9.6Harmful Algal Bloom Strategy (PW24087) (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List Item) 1.PW24087 - Harmful Algal Bloom Strategy.pdf2.PW24087 - Appendix A.pdf10.PUBLIC HEARINGS 11.DISCUSSION ITEMS 11.1Bill 212 – Proposed, Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (PED24226) (City Wide) 1.PED24226.pdf2.PED24226 Appendix A.pdf3.PED24226 Appendix B.pdf11.2Realigned Gardens Program (PW24031(a)) (City Wide) 1.PW24031(a) - Realigned Gardens Program.pdf11.3Internal Infill Pilot Program to Address Activities on City Right-of-Way (PW24044(a)/PED24086(a)) (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List Item) 1.PW24044(a)_PED24086(a) - Internal Infill Pilot Program to Address Activities on City Right-of-Way.pdf2.Appendix A - PW24044(a)_PED24086(a).pdf3.Appendix B - PW24044(a)_PED24086(a).pdf12.MOTIONS 12.1Process Used to Inform the City’s Planning, Execution and Communication of Major Infrastructure Works 1.12.1 - Motion - Process Used to Inform the City’s Planning, Execution and Communication of Major Infrastructure Works.pdf12.3Feasibility of Solar Waste Bins Along Roadside Locations 1.12.3 - Motion - Feasibility of Solar Waste Bins Along Roadside Locations.pdf12.4Good Roads Letter Of Support To Province For The Establishment Of An Ontario Rural Road Safety Program 1.12.4 - Motion - Good Roads Letter of Support_ Ward 12.pdf12.5Hamilton Rural Road Safety Consulting Assignment for All Wards With Rural Roads (Wards 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15) 1.12.5 Hamilton Rural Road Safety Consulting Assignment for All Wards With Rural Roads (Wards 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15).pdf12.6Water Service Permit for 7030 Twenty Road East (Ward 11) 1.12.6 - Motion - Water Service Permit for 7030 Twenty Road East (Ward 11).pdf13.NOTICES OF MOTION 14.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 14.1Amendments to the Outstanding Business List a.Items Considered Complete and Needing to be Removed: a.Internal Infill Pilot Program to Address Activities on City Right-of-Way Added: July 10, 2024 Addressed as Item 11.3, PW24044(a)/PED24086(a) (on today's agenda) b.Maintenance and Beautification of Birch Avenue Green Space and Gardens Added: June 4, 2024Addressed as Item 11.2, PW24031(a) (On today's agenda)c.Feasibility and Costs to Construct a Multi-Use Trail on the South Side of Mud Street (Ward 9) Added: August 16, 2023Addressed as Item 9.1, (PED24224/PW24079) (On today's agenda) d.Tim Hortons Field Food Waste and Recycling Added: September 30, 2024Addressed as Item 9.2, PW24083 (On today's agenda) e.Hamilton Street Railway Accessibility Delegation Response Added: February 5, 2024Addressed as Item 9.3, PW24084 (On today's agenda) f.Preventing Outbreaks of Algae Bloom in the Future Added: August 16, 2024Addressed as Item 9.6, PW24087 (On today's agenda) g.Hamilton Street Railway (HSR) Fare Policies Added: December 12, 2023Addressed as Item 8.1, PW23024(b) (On October 15, 2024) 15.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 16.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.12.1 - Motion - Process Used to Inform the City’s Planning, Execution and Communication of Major Infrastructure Works.pdf1.12.3 - Motion - Feasibility of Solar Waste Bins Along Roadside Locations.pdf1.12.4 - Motion - Good Roads Letter of Support_ Ward 12.pdf1.PED24226.pdf2.PED24226 Appendix A.pdf3.PED24226 Appendix B.pdf1.PW24031(a) - Realigned Gardens Program.pdf1.PW24083 - Tim Hortons Field Food Waste and Recycling.pdf2.PW24083 - Appendix A.pdf3.PW24083 - Appendix B.pdf1.PW24084 - Hamilton Street Railway Accessibility Delegation Response.pdf2.PW24084 - Appendix A.pdf1.PW24085 - Accessible Transportation Services 2023 Customer Satisfaction Results.pdf1.PW24086 - Changes to Bus Detour Communications.pdf1.PW24087 - Harmful Algal Bloom Strategy.pdf2.PW24087 - Appendix A.pdf1.12.6 - Motion - Water Service Permit for 7030 Twenty Road East (Ward 11).pdf1.PW24044(a)_PED24086(a) - Internal Infill Pilot Program to Address Activities on City Right-of-Way.pdf2.Appendix A - PW24044(a)_PED24086(a).pdf3.Appendix B - PW24044(a)_PED24086(a).pdf1.12.5 Hamilton Rural Road Safety Consulting Assignment for All Wards With Rural Roads (Wards 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15).pdf1.04.1 - Minutes (November 18, 2024)(1).pdf1.05.1 - Correspondence - Lacie Dearsley re Speed Humps_Redacted.pdf