City of Hamilton GENERAL ISSUES COMMITTEEMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, December 18, 2018Time: 9:30 A.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Council Chambers, Hamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestStephanie Paparella, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 39931.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA(Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING5.COMMUNICATIONS5.1Correspondence from the Honourable Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance, respecting the Ontario Legislation Implementation Fund (OFLIF), November 20, 20181.5.1 Correspondence from Minister of Finance.pdf5.2Correspondence from the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, respecting Cannabis Store Locations and Buffer Zones to Schools, November 21, 20181.5.2 Correspondence - HWCDSB.pdf6.DELEGATION REQUESTS6.1Clayton McCann, Department of Anthropology, McMaster University, respecting Concern for Workers in Illicit Cannabis Dispensaries1.6.1 Request to Speak - Clayton McCann - November 1 2018.pdf6.2Clint Younge, respecting Opting-In on Cannabis Legislation from a Retail Perspective1.6.2 Request to Speak - Clint Younge.pdf6.3Britney Guerra, respecting Cannabis Retail1.6.3 Request to Speak - Britney Guerra.pdf2.6.3 Presentation.pdf6.4Keanin Loomis, President & CEO, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, respecting a business base on the question of whether physical cannabis retail stores should be permitted in Hamilton.1.6.4 Request to Speak -Keanin Loomis.pdf2.6.4 Correspondence to go with Request to Speak.pdf3.6.4 Presentation - Keanin Loomis - Hamilton Chamber of Commerce.pdf7.CONSENT ITEMS8.PUBLIC HEARINGS / DELEGATIONS9.STAFF PRESENTATIONS9.1Cannabis Provincial Legislation (PED18249) (City Wide)1.10.1 PED18249.pdf2.10.1 PED18249 - Appendix A.pdf3.10.1 PED18249 - Appendix B.pdf4.10.1 PED18249 - Appendix C.pdf5.10.1 PED18249 - Appendix D.pdf6.Cannabis Retail Operations GIC Presentation - December 2018.pdf10.DISCUSSION ITEMS11.MOTIONS11.1Dispensaries for Recreational Cannabis Retail Sale1.11.1 Motion - Dispensaries for Recreational Retail Sale (Merulla).pdf12.NOTICES OF MOTION13.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS14.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 15.ADJOURNMENTNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.5.1 Correspondence from Minister of Finance.pdf1.5.2 Correspondence - HWCDSB.pdf1.6.1 Request to Speak - Clayton McCann - November 1 2018.pdf1.6.2 Request to Speak - Clint Younge.pdf1.6.3 Request to Speak - Britney Guerra.pdf2.6.3 Presentation.pdf1.6.4 Request to Speak -Keanin Loomis.pdf2.6.4 Correspondence to go with Request to Speak.pdf3.6.4 Presentation - Keanin Loomis - Hamilton Chamber of Commerce.pdf1.10.1 PED18249.pdf2.10.1 PED18249 - Appendix A.pdf3.10.1 PED18249 - Appendix B.pdf4.10.1 PED18249 - Appendix C.pdf5.10.1 PED18249 - Appendix D.pdf6.Cannabis Retail Operations GIC Presentation - December 2018.pdf1.11.1 Motion - Dispensaries for Recreational Retail Sale (Merulla).pdf