INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUB-COMMITTEEAGENDA 821 JUNE 2010 SOUS-COMITÉ DE LA TECHNOLOGIE DE L’INFORMATIONORDRE DU JOUR 8LE 21 JUIN 2010 City of Hamilton LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT SUB COMMITTEE September 12, 2017, 1:30 PM Council Chambers, Hamilton City Hall, 71 Main Street West Lauri Leduc, Legislative Coordinator 905 546-2424 x4102 1. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA (Added Items) 2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 3.1 January 30, 2017 4. DELEGATION REQUESTS 4.1 Robert J. Snook, No LRT in Hamilton Organization, respecting Flaws with the LRT Plan (for today's meeting) 5. CONSENT ITEMS 5.1 Review of Citizens' Jury Report on Transit (PED17154) (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List) 5.2 Correspondence referred to the LRT Sub-Committee by Council : (a Grant Ranalli respecting Bike Lanes and the LRT (b Maria Romain respecting Support for the LRT Project (c Nicholas Kevlahan respecting Support to keep the LRT Project Moving Forward (d The Hamilton Academy of Medicine respecting Support for the Proposed Rapid Transit System (e John Tidball, Certified Specialist (Environmental Law), Miller Thomson LLP, respecting the Hamilton B-Line LRT Project (f The Hon. Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, respecting the LRT Project (g Anchor Institutions in Hamilton respecting Support for Hamilton's BLAST Network (h Peter O'Hagan respecting Comments on the LRT Project (i Robin Botting respecting the LRT Project (j 100 letters respecting the LRT Project referred to the LRT Sub-Committee from the March 29, 2017 Council meeting (Due to size this item is available at or through the Office of the City Clerk) 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS / DELEGATIONS 7. PRESENTATIONS 7.1 Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) Community Connectors Update (** presentation attached) 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS 9. MOTIONS 9.1 Medium-Term Costs of Maintaining and Operating the LRT 10. NOTICES OF MOTION 10.1 **Indigenous art and/or artefacts at Hamilton LRT Stops 11. GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 11.1 Update from Keanin Loomis, President and CEO, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce and Advisor to the LRT Sub-Committee, respecting an Update on the Chamber's LRT Ready Seminar Series (no copy) 12. ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.NOTICES OF MOTION - 10.1 Notice of Motion Sept 12 LRT meeting.pdf1.January 30 2017 - EDRMS_n603452_v1_Minutes_Jan_30_LRT_17-001.pdf1.Hamilton Light Rail Transit LRT Community Connec - 7.1 - Community Connectors Presentation.pdf1.Medium-Term Costs of Maintaining and Operating the - EDRMS_n612835_v1_Motion_-_LRT_maintain_and_operate_costs.pdf1.Review of Citizens Jury Report on Transit PED171 - PED17154.pdf2.Review of Citizens Jury Report on Transit PED171 - PED17154 - Appendix A.pdf1.Robert J. Snook No LRT in Hamilton Organization - EDRMS_n612241_v1_Delegation_Request_REdacted_robert_snook.pdf1.Grant Ranalli respecting Bike Lanes and the LRT - EDRMS_n612867_v1_5_2a_Ranalli.pdf1.Maria Romain respecting Support for the LRT Projec - EDRMS_n612868_v1_5_2b_Maria_Romain.pdf1.Nicholas Kevlahan respecting Support to keep the L - EDRMS_n612870_v1_5_2c_REdacted_Nicholas_Kevlahan.pdf1.The Hamilton Academy of Medicine respecting Suppor - EDRMS_n612873_v1_5_2d.pdf1.John Tidball Certified Specialist Environmental - EDRMS_n612874_v1_5_2e_Miller_Thomson.pdf1.The Hon. Amarjeet Sohi Minister of Infrastructure - EDRMS_n612875_v1_5_2f__Minister_of_Infrastructure_and_Communities.pdf1.Anchor Institutions in Hamilton respecting Support - EDRMS_n612876_v1_5_2g_HAIL.pdf1.Peter OHagan respecting Comments on the LRT Proje - EDRMS_n612877_v1_5_2h_Peter_O_Hagan.pdf1.Robin Botting respecting the LRT Project - EDRMS_n612879_v1_5_2i_Robin_Botting.pdf1.100 letters respecting the LRT Project referred to - Item 5.2j.pdf1.Indigenous art andor artefacts at Hamilton LRT - 10.1 Notice of Motion Sept 12 LRT meeting.pdf