City of HamiltonHERITAGE PERMIT REVIEW SUB-COMMITTEEREVISEDMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, November 12, 2024Time: 5:00 P.m. - 7:30 P.m.Location:YouTube Channel Streaming for Virtual MeetingsAll electronic meetings can be viewed at:City’s YouTube Channel: Bent, E-mail:, Phone: ext. 6663 Meg Oldfield, E-mail:, Phone: ext. 7163 Dawn Cordeiro, E-mail:, Phone: ext. 6145 Alissa Golden, Email:, Phone: ext. 12021.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)2.1HPRS Agenda - November 12, 2024 1.HPRS Agenda_2024-11-12.pdf3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1HPRS Minutes - October 15, 2024 1.HPRS Minutes 24-008 (October 15 2024).pdf5.COMMUNICATIONS 5.1Correspondence respecting Item 10.3 - HP2024-033 – 108 James Street North / 111-113 Hughson Street North (Tivoli Theatre, Part IV), from the following individuals: Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item 10.3a.Tim Potocic 1.Tim Potocic.pdfb.Janice Brown 1.Janice Brown_Redacted.pdf6.DELEGATION REQUESTS 7.CONSENT ITEMS 8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 9.PUBLIC HEARINGS / DELEGATIONS 10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1HP2024-037– 610 York Boulevard, Hamilton (Dundurn, Part IV) 1.HP2024-037_HPRSNotesheet.pdf Removal of six dead trees and one partially-dead, unsafe tree. 10.2HP2024-036 - 122 MacNab StreetSouth, Hamilton (MacNab-Charles HCD, Part V) 1.HP2024-036_HPRSNotesheet.pdf Reconstruction of the wooden front steps in kind, including: Painting the new wood steps to match the previous colour; and, Selective masonry repointing. 10.3HP2024-033– 108 James Street North / 111-113 Hughson Street North (Tivoli Theatre, PartIV) 1.HP2024-033_HPRSNotesheet.pdf2.HP2024-033_AppendixA.pdf Demolition of the former Tivoli auditorium and lobby structures. 11.MOTIONS 12.NOTICES OF MOTION 13.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 14.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 15.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.HPRS Agenda_2024-11-12.pdf1.HPRS Minutes 24-008 (October 15 2024).pdf1.HP2024-037_HPRSNotesheet.pdf1.HP2024-036_HPRSNotesheet.pdf1.HP2024-033_HPRSNotesheet.pdf2.HP2024-033_AppendixA.pdf1.Janice Brown_Redacted.pdf1.Tim Potocic.pdf