City of HamiltonPUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REVISEDMeeting #:25-002Date:Monday, February 24, 2025Time: 1:30 P.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestCarrie McIntosh, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 27291.CALL TO ORDER 2.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)4.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 5.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 5.1February 3, 2025 1.05.1 - PWC Minutes - February 3 2025.pdf6.DELEGATIONS 6.1Dr. Carolyn Eyles, McMaster University respecting PW25004, Approval of Non-competitive Procurement (Policy #11) – Niagara Escarpment Project (NEEP) March 2023 – McMaster University & the City of Hamilton 1.06.1 - Delegation Request - Dr. Carolyn Eyles_Redacted.pdf7.ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 8.PUBLIC HEARINGS 8.1PW25002 1.PW25002-Proposed Permanent Closure and Sale of a Portion of Untravelled Road Allowance Between Concessions 1 and 2, Lynden.pdf2.PW25002-Appendix A.pdf3.PW25002-Appendix B.pdf4.PW25002-Appendix C.pdf5.PW25002-Appendix D.pdfProposed Permanent Closure and Sale of a Portion of Untravelled Road Allowance Between Concessions 1 and 2, Lynden9.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 9.1PW25004 1.PW25004 - Approval of Non-competitive Procurement - Niagara Escarpment Erosion Project March 2023 .pdf2.PW25004 - Appendix A.pdfApproval of Non-competitive Procurement (Policy #11) – Niagara Escarpment Project (NEEP) March 2023 – McMaster University & the City of Hamilton9.2PW25005 1.PW25005 - Transit By-law Update.pdf2.PW25005 - Appendix A.pdf3.PW25005 - Appendix B.pdfTransit By-law Update9.3Amendments to the Outstanding Business List: a.Items Considered Complete and Needing to be Removed: a.Stormwater Gap Evaluation Added: November 20, 2020Completed: December 6, 2021, Public Works Committee Report 21-018, Item 4b.Items Requiring a New Due Date: a.Municipal Class Environmental Assessment and Conceptual Design of Ancaster Elevated Water Reservoir (PW17022(b)) (Ward 12) Added: November 18, 2019Current Due Date: Q2 2025Proposed New Due Date: December 1, 202510.MOTIONS 10.1Road Rehabilitation on Bellamy Road, Berkindale Drive, Capri Crescent, Colcrest Street, Crystal Court, Evelyn Street, Fairholme Court, Highridge Avenue, Honeywell Drive, Isle Street, Jason Court, 1.10.1 - Road Rehabilitation on Various Streets in Ward 5.pdfPassmore Street, Prins Avenue, Riverbank Court, Rivercrest Road, Seabrooke Drive, Vittorito Avenue, and Wardrope Avenue, Hamilton (Ward 5)10.2Support for Beautification Services in Westdale Business Improvement Area (BIA), Hamilton (Ward 1) 1.10.2 - Support for Beautification Services in Westdale Business Improvement Area (BIA) Hamilton (Ward 1).pdf10.3Sidewalk Maintenance throughout Ward 7 1.10.3 - Sidewalk Maintenance throughout Ward 7.pdf10.4Sidewalk Maintenance throughout Ward 2 1.10.4 - Sidewalk Maintenance throughout Ward 2.pdf10.5Creation of a Connection between Hamilton Street Railway (HSR) and Niagara Transit 1.10.5 - Creation of a Connection between Hamilton Street Railway (HSR) and Niagara Transit.pdf11.NOTICE OF MOTIONS 12.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 13.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.05.1 - PWC Minutes - February 3 2025.pdf1.PW25002-Proposed Permanent Closure and Sale of a Portion of Untravelled Road Allowance Between Concessions 1 and 2, Lynden.pdf2.PW25002-Appendix A.pdf3.PW25002-Appendix B.pdf4.PW25002-Appendix C.pdf5.PW25002-Appendix D.pdf1.PW25004 - Approval of Non-competitive Procurement - Niagara Escarpment Erosion Project March 2023 .pdf2.PW25004 - Appendix A.pdf1.PW25005 - Transit By-law Update.pdf2.PW25005 - Appendix A.pdf3.PW25005 - Appendix B.pdf1.10.1 - Road Rehabilitation on Various Streets in Ward 5.pdf1.10.3 - Sidewalk Maintenance throughout Ward 7.pdf1.10.4 - Sidewalk Maintenance throughout Ward 2.pdf1.10.5 - Creation of a Connection between Hamilton Street Railway (HSR) and Niagara Transit.pdf1.10.2 - Support for Beautification Services in Westdale Business Improvement Area (BIA) Hamilton (Ward 1).pdf1.06.1 - Delegation Request - Dr. Carolyn Eyles_Redacted.pdf