City of HamiltonGENERAL ISSUES COMMITTEE REVISEDMeeting #:23-001Date:Tuesday, January 10, 2023Time: 9:30 A.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestAngela McRae, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 59871.APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.COMMUNICATIONS 5.CONSENT ITEMS 6.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 6.1Economic Outlook 1.2023–01–10 Hamilton Budget Meeting Economic Outlook.pdf6.22023 Budget Overview (FCS23007) (City Wide) 1.FCS23007 - 2023 Budget Overview.pdf2.2023 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget Report FINAL.pdf3.FCS23007 - 2023 Budget Overview Presentation.pdf6.3Legislation Regulating Funding of the Hamilton Police Services, the Hamilton Public Library and Conservation Authorities (LS23011 / FCS23013) (City Wide) 1.LS23011_FCS23013 Legislation regulating funding - HPS the HPL and Conservation Authorities.pdf2.LS23011_FCS23013 Presentation - Legislation regulating funding of Boards Agencies.pdfNote: This item will be the first Presentation of the day.7.DISCUSSION ITEMS 8.MOTIONS 9.NOTICES OF MOTION 10.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 11.PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL 12.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.FCS23007 - 2023 Budget Overview.pdf2.2023 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget Report FINAL.pdf3.FCS23007 - 2023 Budget Overview Presentation.pdf1.LS23011_FCS23013 Legislation regulating funding - HPS the HPL and Conservation Authorities.pdf2.LS23011_FCS23013 Presentation - Legislation regulating funding of Boards Agencies.pdf1.2023–01–10 Hamilton Budget Meeting Economic Outlook.pdf