CITY COUNCILMINUTESMeeting #:Date:Wednesday, March 28, 2018Time: 5:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Location:Council Chambers, Hamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestPresent:F. Eisenberger, J. Farr, M. Green, S. Merulla, C. Collins, T. Jackson, D. Skelly, T. Whitehead, D. Conley, M. Pearson, L. Ferguson, A. VanderBeek, R. Pasuta, and J. PartridgeAbsent with Regrets:A. Johnsonand B. JohnsonCall to Order1.APPROVAL OF AGENDAThe Clerk advised of the following changes to the agenda:Recommendation:That the agenda for the _____ meeting of Council be approved, as amended.2.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST3.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES3.1Kids for Kaga Presentation to Mayor Eisenberger5.COMMUNICATIONSThat Council Communications ___ through ____ be approved, as amended, as follows:5.5Correspondence from Paul Miller, MPP, Hamilton East-Stoney Creek in response to the Mayor's letter to the Province respecting the need to get moving on Bill 6, the Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act.1.5.5 Paul Miller - Bill 6.pdf5.6Correspondence from Jackie Corr, Environmental Consultant, Assessment and Permitting Team, Stantec respecting Dewatering Notification:5.7Correspondence from the Hamilton Conservation Authority respecting the Municipal Levy Apportionments, 2018.1.5.7 Hamilton Conservation Authority.pdf5.8Correspondence from the Honourable Peter Milczyn Ministry of Housing in response to the 2017 Auditor General's Report which included a review of social and affordable housing in Ontario and provided a number of recommendations to the Ministry of Housing.1.5.8 Ministry of Housing.pdf5.9Correspondence from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs respecting the Planning Act Regulations related to the Building Better Communities and Conserving Watershed Act, 2017.1.5.9 Planning Act Regulations.pdf5.10Correspondence from the Honourable Minister Dipika Damerla, Ministry of Seniors Affairs respecting the 2018 Senior of the Year Award.1.5.10 Senior of the Year 2018.pdf5.11Correspondence from the Town of Oakville requesting support for their resolution respecting Protecting Water for Future Generations: Growing the Greenbelt in the Outer Ring.1.5.11 Oakville - Growing the Greenbelt in the Outer Ring.pdf5.12Correspondence from the Honourable Minister Dr. Eric Hoskins, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care in response to the City of Hamilton's report of the Minister's Expert Panel on Public Health.1.5.12 MOHLTC Expert Panel on Public Health.pdf5.13Correspondence from Sylvia Jones, MPP, Dufferin-Caledon to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change respecting the newly released requirements for asset management plans for municipal infrastructure.1.5.13 - Jones municipal infrastructure.pdf5.14Correspondence from the Town of Essex requesting support for their resolution respecting User Pay Childcare Services at AMO and FCM Conferences.1.5.14 CORRESPONDENCE-Letter to AMO FCM re userpay childcare services.pdf5.15Correspondence from the Town of Halton Hills to the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier requesting support for their resolution respecting the Protection of Municipally-Designated 'Whitebelt' Areas.1.5.15 Halton Hills - Whitebelt.pdf5.16Correspondence from the City of Stratford respecting the 2018 National Public Works Week, May 20 - 26, 2018 "The Power of Public Works".1.5.16 Municipal National Public Works Week Proclamation.pdf5.17Correspondence from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs seeking comments by July 13, 2018 on the draft Agricultural Impact Assessment Guidance Document, at the following link:1.5.17 OMAFRA seeking comments on AIAGD.pdf5.18An invitation from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to the Technical Webinars respecting the Agricultural Impact Assessment Guidance Document.1.5.18 OMAFRA invitation to webinars for the AIAGD.pdf5.19Correspondence from Joshua Weresch respecting 'zero tolerance' for systemic violence.1.5.19 Weresch redacted.pdf5.28Correspondence respecting the Television City matter discussed at the Planning Committee meeting on March 20, 2018.6.COMMITTEE REPORTSRecommendation:That Council move into Committee of the Whole for consideration of the Committee Reports.6.1Public Works Committee Report 18-004 - March 19, 20181.6.1 PW Report Combined.pdf6.2Board of Health Report 18-003 - March 19, 20181.6_2_BOH_Report_18-003.pdf6.3Planning Committee Report 18-004 - March 20, 20181.6.3 PC_Report_18-004_.pdf6.4General Issues Committee Report 18-007 - March 21, 20181.6.4 GIC Report Combined.pdf6.5Audit, Finance & Administration Committee Report 18-003 - March 26, 2018 (to be distributed)1.6.5 AFandA Report Combined.pdf6.6Healthy & Safe Communities Committee Report 18-002 - March 26, 2018 (to be distributed)1.6_6__HSC_Report_18-006.pdf7.MOTIONS7.1Area Rating Contribution towards Sackville Hill Seniors Recreation Centre's Expansion (Ward 7)1.7_1_Motion_-_Sackville_.pdf7.2International Charter for Walking1.7.2_International_Charter_for_Walking.pdf7.3Amendment to Development Charge By-law 14-1531.7.3 Amendment to Development Charge By-law 14-153 (Jackson).pdf7.4Dynamic Speed Signs - Quigley Road and Greenhill Avenue (Ward 5)1.7_4_Motion_Ward_5_Dynamic_Speed_Signs_(Collins).pdf7.5Waiving the Provisions within the City of Hamilton Policy - Appointment of Citizen Members to Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Committees in order to appoint a citizen to the Rental Housing Sub-Committee 1.7_5_Appointment_to_Rental_Housing.pdf8.NOTICES OF MOTIONS8.3Point-in-Time Count Survey to Better Understand the Needs of Those Experiencing Homelessness1.8.3 Notice of Motion - Point in time count survey.pdf9.STATEMENTS BY MEMBERSMembers of Council used this opportunity to discuss matters of general interest.No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.5.1 MOECC re Cootes to Escarpment EcoPark System.pdf1.5.2 Wellington Comments of Proposed Greenbelt Expansion Study Area.pdf1.5.3 Proclamation of Bill 139.pdf1.5.4 HCA - Boundary Review.pdf1.5.5 Paul Miller - Bill 6.pdf1.5.7 Hamilton Conservation Authority.pdf1.5.8 Ministry of Housing.pdf1.5.9 Planning Act Regulations.pdf1.4.1 Minutes_Feb_28.pdf1.5.11 Oakville - Growing the Greenbelt in the Outer Ring.pdf1.5.12 MOHLTC Expert Panel on Public Health.pdf1.5.13 - Jones municipal infrastructure.pdf1.5.14 CORRESPONDENCE-Letter to AMO FCM re userpay childcare services.pdf1.4.2 Minutes_-_Special_Council_(March_8__2018).pdf1.5.15 Halton Hills - Whitebelt.pdf1.5.16 Municipal National Public Works Week Proclamation.pdf1.5.17 OMAFRA seeking comments on AIAGD.pdf1.5.18 OMAFRA invitation to webinars for the AIAGD.pdf1.7.2_International_Charter_for_Walking.pdf1.7.3 Amendment to Development Charge By-law 14-153 (Jackson).pdf1.5.20 AJ Clark - 88 Valleyview Drive - Letter.pdf1.5.21 Minister Ballard - funding for Ontario's Conservation Authorities.pdf1.5.22 Ontario Community Environment Fund.pdf1.6_2_BOH_Report_18-003.pdf1.5.19 Weresch redacted.pdf1.7_4_Motion_Ward_5_Dynamic_Speed_Signs_(Collins).pdf1.5.23 ADO - Employment Standards Review.pdf1.5.24 MAG - LPAT.pdf1.6.1 PW Report Combined.pdf1.5.6 (a) Dewatering Notification with map.pdf1.5.6 (b) Dewatering Notification with map.pdf1.5.25 from Resident at 181 Jackson Street.pdf1.6.3 PC_Report_18-004_.pdf1.Bill No. 060 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 061 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 062 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 063 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 064 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 065 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 066 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 067 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 068 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 069 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 070 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 071 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 072 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 073 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 074 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 075 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 076 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 077 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 078 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 079 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.Bill No. 080 - MARCH 28, 2018 COUNCIL.pdf1.6.4 GIC Report Combined.pdf1.7_1_Motion_-_Sackville_.pdf1.5.10 Senior of the Year 2018.pdf1.7_5_Appointment_to_Rental_Housing.pdf1.5.26 Lakewood - 1288 Baseline Road.pdf1.8_1__Notice_of_Motion_-_Reconsideration_Item_11_to_GIC_Report_16-017.pdf1.6.5 AFandA Report Combined.pdf1.6_6__HSC_Report_18-006.pdf1.8.2 Notice_of_Motion_-_Corktown_Neighbourhood_Association_Grant_(Farr).pdf1.8.3 Notice of Motion - Point in time count survey.pdf1.5.27 - 50 Main Street East PW18021 FCS18024.pdf1.5.28 (a) March 26 - G. Vrooman (concerns).pdf1.5.28 (b) Paul Bentley.pdf1.5.28 (c) Smythe.pdf1.8_4_Community_Grants_for_Ward_3.pdf