City of Hamilton

Meeting #:
YouTube Channel Streaming for Virtual Meetings (due to COVID)
Due to the COVID-19 and the Closure of City Hall
All electronic meetings can be viewed at:
City’s YouTube Channel:

Amber Knowles, Cultural Heritage Planner, Ext. 1291

Stacey Kursikowski, Cultural Heritage Planner, Ext. 1202

Chloe Richer, Cultural Heritage Planner, Ext. 7163

(905) 546-2424

(Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)

  • Restoration of the portico, restoration of the original wood material in place;
  • Exact replication in dimensions, proportion, shape and curves of wood pieces that are damaged or rotted.
  • Interior security upgrades including new surveillance equipment that will interface with various heritage elements;
  • New exterior entrance sign reading "Public Entrance / Entrée Publique", to be located the left of the new public entrance on Main Street East. 
  • Install security cameras on exterior façade and inside of building. 6 cameras in total, (1) main entrance and (1) courtyard (indicated with red dots), as well as 4 cameras strategically placed internally at crucial points of entry at 56 York Boulevard, Hamilton.
  • The addition of trusswork and fixtures in the ceiling to support flying speaker arrays, a digital projection screen, and stage lighting;
  • The addition of a structural glass railing behind the mezzanine railing to bring occupant safety for those in seating directly behind the railing to the current specifications of the OBC;
  • The addition of an elevator in the NE addition with access to the auditorium through an opening in the exterior wall into the NE stairwell landing. 


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