City of Hamilton


Council Chambers
Hamilton City Hall
71 Main Street West

Call to Order

(Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)

Recommendation: Be received and referred to the General Manager of Planning and Economic Development for appropriate action.

Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item 7 of the General Issues Committee Report 25-017.

Closed Session Minutes - October 9, 2024


Pursuant to Section 9.3, Sub-sections (a) and (c) of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, as amended; and, Section 239(2), Sub-sections (a) and (c) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matters pertain to the security of the property of the City or a local board and to a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

Arena Lease Update (PED24213) (Ward 2)


Pursuant to Section 9.3, Sub-section (k) of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, as amended, and Section 239(2), Sub-section (k) of the Ontario Municipal Act, as amended, as the subject matter pertains to a position, plan, procedure, criteria, or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the city or a local board.

To Amend By-law No. 01-218, as amended, Being a By-law to Regulate On-Street Parking
Schedule 6 (Time Limit Parking)
Schedule 8 (No Parking Zones)
Schedule 13 (No Stopping Zones)
Ward: 6, 9, 10, 12, 13

To Designate Property Located at 6 Websters Falls Road, Flamborough, City of Hamilton as Property of Cultural Heritage Value
Ward: 13

To Repeal and Replace By-law No. 15-176, as amended by By-law No. 18-104, 19-026, 21-069 and 23-030, being the Consolidated Site Plan Control By-laws for the City of Hamilton
Ward: City Wide

To Amend Zoning By-law No. 05-200 Respecting Lands Located at 65 and 69 Eleanor Avenue, 177 Mentino Crescent, and 224 Eaglewood Drive, Hamilton
Ward: 6

To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 221 to the Urban Hamilton Official Plan Respecting Formal Consultation and Complete Application Requirements under Bill 185 
Ward: City Wide

To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 42 to the Rural Hamilton Official Plan Respecting Formal Consultation and Complete Application Requirements under Bill 185
Ward: City Wide

To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 47 to the former Region of Hamilton-Wentworth Official Plan Respecting Formal Consultation and Complete Application Requirements under Bill 185 (West Harbour (Setting Sail) Secondary Plan area)
Ward: City Wide

To Amend By-law No. 08-297, Respecting Amendments to the Planning Act Related to Preliminary Consultation
Ward: City Wide

To Confirm the Proceedings of City Council

No Item Selected