City of Hamilton


Council Chambers
Hamilton City Hall
71 Main Street West

Call to Order

(Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)

Planning Committee minutes of the meeting held on January 14, 2025

General Issues Committee minutes of the meeting held on January 15, 2025

Revenue Sources to Fund Council Priorities and Ongoing Operating and Capital Works (City Wide) (FCS24022(a)):

(a)      Annalisa Jani

(b)      Michael Berger

(c)      Carolyn Zaffuto

(d)      Steven Hill

(e)      Peter D'Antonio

(f)       The D'Antonio Family

(g)      Cindy Cloutier

(h)      Natalie Rendall

(i)       Ashley Blais

(j)       Griff Jones

(k)      Rose Cipriani

(l)       Andrea Iavarone

(m)     Ian Newhouse

(n)      Soledad Cristina Mejia Gomez

(o)      Tashi Baburi

(p)      Lisa Prine

(q)      Artur Palej

(r)       Joanne Chiarelli

(s)      John Roumanis

(t)       Krystal Pfau

(u)      Erin Bowie

(v)      Rocco Rao

(w)      Stephen Hicks

(x)      Raymond Pelletier

(y)      Michael Di Genova

(z)      Stephanie Huffman

(aa)    Rachel VanDuzer

(ab)    Henry DePellegrin

(ac)    Andrew McCutchen

(ad)    Tara Todorovic

(ae)    Sarah Donnelly

(af)     Bradley G. Ellis

(ag)    Beverly Nyman

(ah)    Danielle Connelly

(ai)     Andrea Harley-Maddox

(aj)     Karolina Zanon

(ak)    Ana Jedryk

(al)     Nina & Andrew Morton

(am)   Dan Macdonald

(an)    Sandi Macdonald

(ao)    Sandi Macdonald

(ap)    Mary-Anne Hooper

(aq)    Michael and Jenn Richter, Double E Properties

(ar)     Melissa Stone

(as)    DD Crowley

(at)     Jonah Santa-Barbara

(au)    JC Horvath

(av)    Kayla Zavarella

(aw)    Darlene Whitman

(ax)    Alanna Gotziaman

(ay)    Laura Gray

(az)    Maryann Hassani

(ba)    Gbenga Bosede

(bb)    Jodie Erwin

(bc)    Mitali Thakore

(bd)    Alina Radu

(be)    Coleen Bush

(bf)     Nikola Bucalo

(bg)    Chris Dorsman

(bh)    Jennifer Jones

(bi)     Ashleigh Eardley

(bj)     Noelly Rey

(bk)    Alanna C. Stephen, Escarpment Law Group

(bl)     Paula Candido Ward

(bm)   John Brunton

(bn)    Marta Swiecki

(bo)    Ranjit Samra

(bp)    Deby Morrison

(bq)    Erin Kittle

(br)     Rico Sacchini

(bs)    Sean Morrison

(bt)     Jason Pichette

(bu)    Debbie Parr

(bv)    Lydia Lemus

(bw)    Shannon Sullivan

(bx)    Hannah Reinink

(by)    Natalie Stoltz

(bz)    Guy D’Alesio

(ca)    Charlie Robson

(cb)    Bryden Tait

(cc)     Chris and Les Sohar

(cd)    Jonathan Veruyn

(ce)    Kim MacLean

(cf)     Charles Wah

(cg)    Jason Scozzari

(ch)    Mike Chiarelli

(ci)      Phil Botting

(cj)      Brittany Asquith

(ck)     Spencer D’Ippolito

(cl)      Josh Perez

(cm)   Neil Quinto

(cn)    Adrian Hiscox

(co)    Terry Rogers

(cp)    Lisa Thompson

(cq)    Katie Shaw

(cr)     Jay Feth

(cs)     Stacey Adamson

(ct)     Arald Tudoran

(cu)    Jessica Salas

(cv)     Mirjana Stanic

(cw)    Samantha Bendo

(cx)     Anthony Godlewski

(cy)     Lisa Bezemer

(cz)     Umar Altaf

(da)    Katie Richard

(db)    Chris Eyles

(dc)    Rob Kasowski

(dd)    Kevin Ras

(de)    Tyler Russell

(df)     Kim Osborne

(dg)    Jessica Claus

(dh)    Laurie Knudsen

(di)     Brittany Arsenault

(dj)     Jim Ali

(dk)    Olivia Rapson

(dl)     Katerina Wagner

(dm)   Colleen Joseph

(dn)    Rajeev Cherian

(do)    Alaina Evans

(dp)    Cheryl Ledamun

(dq)    Gary Heron

(dr)     Priscilla Ankamah

(ds)    Alok Chadha

(dt)     Justin Podmoroff

(du)    Chrissy Walker

(dv)    Daniela Bordac

(dw)    Lisa Sandhar

(dx)    Shawn Addison

(dy)    Parteek Purba

(dz)    Diana Faria Tragianis

(ea)    Jonathan Hutton

(eb)    Adam Landucci

(ec)    Julie Sergi

(ed)    Michelle Dingwall

(ee)    Marnie Crompton

(ef)     Samantha Lefebvre

(eg)    Brian Martinson

(eh)    Selma Brisebois

(ei)     Jeannie Crawford

(ej)     Kimberly Hall

(ek)    Kirby Reschny

(el)     Fredene Plouffe

(em)   Krista Hann

(en)    Justin Woolcott

(eo)    Stacey Birett

(ep)    Nardine Shehadeh

(eq)    Brad MaGarrey

(er)     Ian Birnie

(es)    Monika Panz

(et)     Trista and Billy Pozeg

(eu)    Kimberley Leone

(ev)    Laurie Faber

(ew)    Kellen Miseferi

(ex)    Erin Pitt

(ey)    Tina (Christine) Bellavia

(ez)    Niusha Ghazban

(fa)     Janet Fahmi

(fb)     Annette G. Myers

(fc)     Harry Singh

(fd)     Justin Little

(fe)     Bob Hommersen

(ff)      Linda Olds

(fg)     Andy Krbavac

(fh)     Dipon Debnath

(fi)      Annabelle Hannis

(fj)      Luke Deboer

(fk)     Carol Di Stefano

(fl)      Angelo Di Stefano

(fm)    Gerald and Valerie Righton

(fn)     Peter Giannou

(fo)     Negar Hosseini

(fp)     Margaret Yong Ping

(fq)     Thanu Vinay

(fr)      Melanie Cunningham

(fs)     Rachel Bellavia

(ft)      Zac Willms

(fu)     Archana Pimpale

(fv)     Danielle Araiche

(fw)     Deanna Brennan

(fx)     Chris Pennycook

(fy)     Alyssa Walker

(fz)     Glenn MacLaren

(ga)    Douglas Hazlett

(gb)    Michelle Madley

(gc)    Joey Crouse

(gd)    Amir Ahmadi

(ge)    Lori Ellis

(gf)     Eileen Parker

(gg)    Tiffany Funke

(gh)    Alex Manore

(gi)     Mahbuba Attayi

(gj)     Yuriy Nesvit

(gk)    Kp Singh

(gl)     Barry Miller

(gm)   Parth Jani

(gn)    Matthew Duffy

(go)    Diane Price

(gp)    Olga Tavares

(gq)    Olurotimi Bola

(gr)     Jackie McGowan

(gs)    Phoebe Okereke

(gt)     Jignesh Dave

(gu)    Jap Arora

(gv)    Vendy Volak

(gw)    Kristina Kritikos

(gx)    Nikroo Faragheh

(gy)    Mark Vidovich

(gz)    Mark Douglas

(ha)    Patricia Hawke

(hb)    Jules Morris

(hc)    Michael Brejnik

(hd)    Derek Doyle

(he)    Craig Knapman

(hf)     Cassandra Allen

(hg)    Meltem Koseleci

(hh)    Colleen Readhead

(hi)     Kim McGinley

(hj)     Nicole Dolphin

(hk)    Tracey Fraser

(hl)     Rui Pereira

(hm)   Olivia & Justin Couto

(hn)    Julie Brown

(ho)    Wieslawa Baran

(hp)    Natalie Malda

(hq)    Kelley Bartlett

(hr)     Hassan Jamil

(hs)    Brittany Arsenault

(ht)     Cody Spencer

(hu)    Joseph Sequeira

(hv)    Lynn Vandenbroek

(hw)    Lauren Richardson

(hx)    Peter Bartrem

(hy)    Lois Watson

(hz)    Joel Christie

(ia)     Bernadette Knowles

(ib)     Ankit Khanna

(ic)      Brandon Garth

(id)     Philip Anthony Kuca

(ie)     Jim Carter

(if)      Ron Lewyckyj

(ig)     Michael McDonald

(ih)     Doreen Ssenbulya

(ii)       M & F Cummins

(ij)       Denise Davis-Lawson

(ik)      Justin Brown

(il)       Alex Mustatea

(im)    Haroon Makhdoomi

(in)     Vito Pirri

(io)     Mike Filipe

(ip)     Katherine Howlett

(iq)     J. Katarzyna

(ir)      Fady Rassam

(is)      David and Heather Bosma

(it)      Donald Lee Plouffe

(iu)     Gunjan Chadha

(iv)      Elaine Warren

(iw)     Michael Andrew

(ix)      Doug Folsetter

(iy)      Tobias Smulders

(iz)      Gary Vandervelde

(ja)     Nicole Vadervelde

(jb)     Robin Colville

(jc)      Ryan Manalo

(jd)     Shenti/Sylvia Bao

(je)     Peter Doma

(jf)      Sharon Caesar

(jg)     Honor Hughes

(jh)     Melissa Curtis

(ji)       Raji Purewal

(jj)       Kit Ward

(jk)      Ron Contenta

(jl)       Joanne Kennedy

(jm)    Heather O’Sullivan

(jn)     Isabel Zulian

(jo)     Oxana Polyakova

(jp)     Jim Duffy

(jq)     Nikki Hopwood

(jr)      David Balsdon

(js)      Vicky Urban

(jt)      Nicole Theroux

(ju)     Melissa Rogal

(jv)      Douglas VanDuzer

(jw)     Gerry Chopik

(jx)      Hassan Rasul

(jy)      Sara Rahimi

(jz)      Gargi Mukherjee

(ka)    Self El-Sahly

(kb)    Ike Anselm Okereke

(kc)     Jo Anna Garcia

(kd)    Jackie Corcoran

(ke)    Marge Woodworth

(kf)     Cindy Zupanovic

(kg)    Michael Swick

(kh)    Paul Wheeler

(ki)      Ellen Boyce

(kj)      Amy Shugar

(kk)     S.A. Hache

(kl)      Fatima Contenta

(km)   Diana Siebenaler

(kn)    Gaye Males

(ko)    Brent Savp

(kp)    Nathan Olsen

(kq)    Cindy Mayor

(kr)     Demis Rasho

(ks)     Bill Derry

(kt)     Emma Hetherington

(ku)    Brianne Taylor

(kv)     Stewart Gilmour

(kw)    Ron Hunter

(kx)     Amey Hanna

(ky)     Kevin Andrew

(kz)     Paul Bellavia

(la)     Colin Gainham

(lb)     Annette Sciarra

(lc)      Christine Le

(ld)     Jacob Poirier

(le)     Nancy Lutz

(lf)      Trishia Acorda

(lg)     Luigi Nunno

(lh)     Alexis Hapers

(li)       Stefanie Di Francesco

(lj)       Adam French

(lk)      Jolene Mosca

(ll)       Kim Smiley Wiley

(lm)    Mohammad Ali Hekmatian

(ln)     Heather Buchanan Curren

(lo)     Ken Mackenzie

(lp)     Melissa Vass Scott

(lq)     Karen Grover

(lr)      Allan & Marianne Hoffmann

(ls)      Mohammad Saleem Khan

(lt)         Greg Dunnett, President & CEO, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce

(lu)     Dwayne Patrie

(lv)      Raf Iwanski

(lw)     Craig Hamilton

(lx)      Pauline Oliver

(ly)      Albert Venditti

(lz)      Cheryl Vlajkov

(ma)   Michael Brierley

(mb)   Lori Bolton

(mc)   Karen VanDuzer

(md)   Wendy Brunner

(me)   Paul Langdon

(mf)    Brian Sunley

(mg)   Chris Egan

(mh)   Ken Adams

(mi)    Sharmila Dave

(mj)    Nicholas Marques

(mk)   Donna Gill

(ml)    Kyle Stewart

(mm)  Colleen Adams

(mn)   Judy Sykora, Daniella Sigman, Vlasta Bukovsky

(mo)   Kristin LaCroix

(mp)   Lauren Heinken

(mq)   Catherine Sennett

(mr)    Loredana and Anthony Nearchou

(ms)   Gillian Ferber

(mt)    Amanda Gibbons

(mu)   Nirav Patel

(mv)   Paul Martindale

(mw)   Bonnie Wheeler

(mx)   Phillip Maciel

(my)   Dana Gain

(mz)   Maureen Gilleece

(na)    Paola D’Alesio

(nb)    Nancy Lundy

(nc)    Lisa Hamilton

(nd)    Paul Busnello

(ne)    Nelson Escada

(nf)     Amanda Smith

(ng)    Kaitlin Juraschka

(nh)    Aldo Berlingieri

(ni)     Laur-Ann Camus

(nj)     Sharon Brennan

(nk)    Jacquilyn German

(nl)     Moe Hamzehian

(nm)   Jason Reid

(nn)    Susan Taylor

(no)    Timur Belir

(np)    Sue Kelly

(nq)    Anthony Valeri

(nr)     Maria Torres

Audit, Finance and Administration Committee minutes of the meeting held on January 16, 2025

General Issues Committee - 2025 Tax Supported Budget minutes of the meeting held on January 20, 2025.

Public Health Sub-Committee minutes of the meeting held on January 13, 2025

Closed Session Minutes - December 11, 2024


Pursuant to Section 9.3, Sub-sections (b), (e) and (f) of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, as amended, and Section 239(2), Sub-sections (b), (e) and (f) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matter pertains to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including City or local board employees; litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the City or a local board; and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

PC 25-001 Closed Session


Planning Committee Closed Session minutes of the meeting held on January 14, 2025

Pursuant to Section 9.3, Sub-sections (e), (f) and (k) of the City’s Procedural By-law 21-021, as amended; and Section 239(2), Sub-sections (e), (f) and (k) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended as the subject matter pertains to litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; and, a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

GIC 25-001 Closed Session


General Issues Committee Closed Session minutes of the meeting held on January 15, 2025

Pursuant to Section 9.3, Sub-Sections (a), (f), (j) and (k) of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, as amended, and Section 239(2), Sub-sections (a), (f), (j) and (k) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matter pertains to the security of the property of the City or a local board; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial or financial information that belongs to the City or a local board and has monetary value or potential monetary value; and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the City or a local board.

AFAC 25-001 Closed Session


Audit, Finance and Administration Committee Closed Session minutes of the meeting held on January 16, 2025

Pursuant to Section 9.3, Sub-section (a) of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, as amended, and Section 239(2), Sub-section (a) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matter pertains to the security of the property of the municipality or local board.

Appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT-22-004759) for Official Plan Amendment (UHOPA-21-014) and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications (ZAC-21-031) for Lands Located at 405 James Street North (Ward 2) (LS23012(e)) (To be distributed)


Pursuant to Section 9.3, Sub-section (f) of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, as amended, and Section 239(2), Sub-section (a) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matter pertains to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

Respecting Removal of Part Lot Control, Block 5, Registered Plan 62M-1290, Municipally Known as 254, 256, 258, 260, 262, 264, 266, 268, 270, 272, 274, 276, 278, 280, 282, and 284 Tanglewood Drive, Glanbrook
Ward: 11

To Designate Property Located at 265 Mill Street South, Flamborough, City of Hamilton as Property of Cultural Heritage Value
Ward: 15

To Designate Property Located at 24 Blake Street, City of Hamilton, as Property of Cultural Heritage Value
Ward: 3

To Designate Property Located at 311 Wilson Street East, Ancaster, City of Hamilton as Property of Cultural Heritage Value
Ward: 12

To Designate Property Located at 134 Cannon Street East, City of Hamilton as Property of Cultural Heritage Value
Ward: 2

To Amend By-law No. 15-058, A By-law Respecting Building Permits and Related Matters
Ward: City Wide

A By-law to Deem a Part of A Subdivision Not To Be Registered, Block 187, Block 188, and Block 189 of Registered Plan 62M-987
Ward: 10

To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 253 to the City of Hamilton Official Plan Respecting Rental Housing Protection Policies
Ward: 2

To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 215 to the Urban Hamilton Official Plan Respecting Rental Housing Protection Policies
Ward: City Wide

To Amend By-law No. 01-218, as amended, Being a By-law to Regulate On-Street Parking
Schedule 6 (Time Limit Parking)
Schedule 8 (No Parking Zones)
Schedule 9 (Alternate Side Parking Zones)
Schedule 12 (Permit Parking Zones)
Schedule 13 (No Stopping Zones)
Schedule 20 (School Bus Loading Zones)
Ward: 1, 3, 4, 10, 13, 15

To Establish City of Hamilton Land Described as Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 62R-12038 as a Public Highway to form part of Carlson Street
Ward: 9

Being a By-law to Amend By-law No. 22-158, "City of Hamilton Community Benefits Charges By-law, 2022", To Revise Definitions and Policy Regarding Calculation of Community Benefits Charges
Ward: City Wide

To Confirm the Proceedings of City Council

No Item Selected