City of HamiltonPLANNING COMMITTEE ADDENDUMMeeting #:21-005Date:Tuesday, April 06, 2021Time: 9:30 A.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Due to the COVID-19 and the Closure of City HallAll electronic meetings can be viewed at:City’s Website: City's YouTube Channel: or Cable 14Lisa Kelsey, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 46056.DELEGATION REQUESTS Public Comments: 6.1Delegation Requests regarding Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee Report 21-002 (Item 7.2) - Former St. Giles Church (Item #3) (For today's meeting) Public Comments: 6.1.aPre-recorded delegations: 1.06.1 a i Stagen Petition Redacted.pdf(i) Jacqueline Stagen (and Petition)6.2Michael Collins-Williams, West End Homebuilders Association respecting Item 10.3 (For today's meeting) 10.DISCUSSION ITEMS Public Comments: 10.3Temporary Amendments to the Cash-In-Lieu of Parking Policy for the Downtown Secondary Plan Area (PED21028) (Ward 2) Public Comments: 10.3.aAdded Written Submissions: 1.10.3 a i WE HBA - Hamilton Cash-in-lieu-Parking - April 2021.pdf(i) West End Homebuilders' AssociationNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.06.1 a i Stagen Petition Redacted.pdf1.10.3 a i WE HBA - Hamilton Cash-in-lieu-Parking - April 2021.pdf