City of Hamilton

Meeting #:
Due to the COVID-19 and the Closure of City Hall
All electronic meetings can be viewed at:
City’s Website:
City's YouTube Channel: or Cable 14

​Lisa Kelsey, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 4605

(Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)

(i)     Sarah Sheehan
(ii)    Tim Blair
(iii)    Rev. Ian Sloan

Added Delegation Requests:

(iv)    Marie Sharp, Friends of St. Giles
(v)    Janet Long
(vi)    Lance Darren Cole
(vii)   Shannon Kyles
(viii)  Elizabeth Eeuwes

(i)     Jacqueline Stagen (and Petition)

(i)     Mike Collins-Williams
(ii)    Nancy Hurst (pre-recorded)

*Added Registered Delegations:

(iii)   Tina Novak, Hamilton & District Apartment Association
(iv)   Philip Pothen
(v)    Lynda Lukasik, Environment Hamilton
(vi)   Charles Matthews
(vii)   Katharine King (pre-recorded)
(viii)  Andy Tran (pre-recorded)
(ix)   Michelle Tom (pre-recorded)
(x)    Patricia Baker
(xi)   Leigh Reid
(xii)  Emma Cubitt (pre-recorded)
(xiii) Kathy Garneau
(xiv) Laura Katz
(xv)  Chris Harrison
(xvi)  Lilly Noble
(xvii) Sarah Jama
(xviii) Jon Davey

(i)     Bryan Webber
(ii)    Marilyn Brown
(iii)   Edward Brown
(iv)   Thomas Klak
(v)    Evelyn LaMarsh
(vi)   Larry VanKuren

*Added Written Submissions:

(vii)   Durand Neighbourhood Association
(viii)  Peter and Eleanor Boeringa
(ix)    Ashley Taylor
(x)    Margaret Plut and Matthew Brown
(xi)    Viv Saunders
(xii)   Mary Lynn Taylor
(xiii)  Laura Katz
(xiv)  Geoff Palmer
(xv)   Catherine DeLottinville
(xvi)  Justin Hogeterp
(xvii)  Lydell Andree Wiebe
(xviii) Patty Clydesdale
(xix)   Ashley Moore
(xx)   Sandy McIntosh
(xxi)  Brody Robinmeyer
(xxii) Mary Love, The Council of Canadians
(xxiii) Akira Ourique
(xxiv) Nicole Andruszkiewicz
(xxv)  Bryan Webber
(xxvi)  Lilly Noble
(xxvii)  A. Erin Clayton
(xxviii) Christine Heidebrecht
(xxix)  Morgan Van Groningen
(xxx)   Patricia Baker
(xxxi)  Patricia Baker (2)
(xxxii)  Zoe Green
(xxxiii) Brenda Duke, Beautiful Alleys
(xxxiv) Diane Shamchuk
(xxxv)  Ashley Feldman
(xxxvi) Mary Ann Frerotte
(xxxvii) Dennis McGlinchey
(xxxviii) Alicia Wilson

Instructions - Appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) for Refusal of Urban Hamilton Official Plan Amendment Application (UHOPA-20-007) and


Zoning By-law Amendment application (ZAC-20-012) for lands located at 19 Dawson Avenue, Stoney Creek (LS21008) (Ward 5)

Pursuant to Section 9.1, Sub-sections (e), (f) and (k) of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, and Section 239(2), Sub-sections (e), (f) and (k) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matter pertains to litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the City; the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; and, to a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

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