City of HamiltonGENERAL ISSUES COMMITTEE ADDENDUMMeeting #:24-Date:Wednesday, April 17, 2024Time: 9:30 A.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Council Chambers (GIC)Hamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestAngela McRae, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 59875.COMMUNICATIONS Public Comments: 5.1Correspondence from Steve Levene, Chief Operation Officer - Rapid Transit, Metrolinx, respecting Clarity on Decision Behind Operator Role(s) for the Hamilton Light Rail Transit program 1.Letter from Metrolinx regarding clarity on decision behind operator role for the Hamilton LRT program, March 12, 2024”.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of Item respecting Item 8.1, Report PED23166(b), Light Rail Transit Operations Models, from the following individuals: Recommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of Item 8.1.a.Robyn Deshaies 1.05.2(a) - Robyn Deshaies - Correspondence - Item 8.1.pdfb.Mary Love 1.Mary Love - Correspondence - Redacted.pdfc.Mary Henderson 1.Mary Henderson - Written Delegation - Redacted.pdfd.Caitlin Craven, Executive Director, Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion 1.HCCI Letter of Support.pdfe.Shania Ramharrack-Maharaj, Stop Sprawl Students 1.SSHO Students Letter of Support.pdff.Tara Bursey, Executive Director, Workers Arts and Heritage Centre 1.WAHC Letter of Support.pdfg.Medora Uppal, CEO, YWCA Hamilton 1.YWCA Letter of Support.pdfh.Hamilton-Brantford Building & Construction Trades Council 1.CBTU Letter of Support.pdfi.Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) Local 548 1.CUPW Union Affiliates_Redacted.pdfj.Hamilton & District Labour Council 1.HDLC Letter and union affiliates.pdf6.DELEGATION REQUESTS Public Comments: 6.1Delegation Requests, respecting Light Rail Transit, for today's meeting, from the following individuals: Public Comments: e.Anthony Marco, Hamilton & District Labour Council (In-Person) Public Comments: a.Anthony Marco - Presentation 1.GIC Delegation - Hamilton LRT.pdff.Stephen McBride (In-Person) Public Comments: a.Stephen McBride - Presentation 1.LRT PRESENTATION April 17, 2024.pdf2.P3s and LRTs - Background Report prepared for presenation at General Issues Meeting, City of Hamilton, 17 April 2024.pdfg.James Kemp (Virtually) 1.06.1(g) James Kemp Redacted.pdfh.Michael Marson (In-Person) 1.06.1(h) Michael Marson Redacted.pdfi.Ian Borsuk, Environment Hamilton (Virtually) 1.06.1(i) Ian Borsuk Redacted.pdfj.Tracey Langille, CUPE Local 548 (In-Person) 1.06.1(j) Tracey Langille Redacted.pdfk.T.H. Ponders (In-Person) 1.06.1(k) T.H. Ponders Redacted.pdfl.Don McLean, Hamilton 350 Committee (Virtually) 1.06.1(l) Don McLean Redacted.pdfm.Declan Withers (In-Person) 1.06.2(m) Declan Withers Redacted.pdfn.Clint Crabtree, ATU Local 279 (Virtually) 1.06.1(n) - Clint Crabtree Delegation Request.pdfo.Evan Ubene (In-Person) 1.06.1(o) - Evan Ubene Delegation Request.pdfp.Christine McNabb, Council of Canadians - Hamilton Chapter (Virtually) 1.06.1(p) - Christine McNabb Delegation Request.pdfq.Shelagh Pizey-Allen, TTCriders (Virtually) 1.06.1(q) - Selagh Pizey-Allen Delegation Request.pdf6.2Delegation Request from Jeffrey McCabe, All Hands on Deck, respecting homeless and addiction issues, for a future meeting. 1.06.2 - Jeffrey McCabe Delegation - REDACTED.pdf8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS Public Comments: 8.1Light Rail Transit Operations Models (PED23166(b)) (City Wide) Public Comments: a.Staff Presentation - Light Rail Transit Operations Models (PED23166(d)) (City Wide) 1.PED23166(b) Presentation.pdf8.2Goods Movement Strategy (PED24049) (City Wide) Public Comments: a.Goods Movement Strategy (PED24049) (City Wide) - WITDRAWN 11.MOTIONS Public Comments: 11.2Request for Funding Agreement to the Provincial Government Public Comments: a.Request for Funding Agreement to the Provincial Government - WITHDRAWN 11.3Revitalizing Hamilton Tax Increment Grant Application Criteria Exception for the Property Municipally Known as 75 James Street South, Hamilton Public Comments: a.Revitalizing Hamilton Tax Increment Grant Application Criteria Exception for the Property Municipally Known as 75 James Street South, Hamilton - REVISED 1.11.3 - 75 James TIG Motion - REVISED.pdfNo Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.06.1(g) James Kemp Redacted.pdf1.PED23166(b) Presentation.pdf1.Letter from Metrolinx regarding clarity on decision behind operator role for the Hamilton LRT program, March 12, 2024”.pdf1.06.1(h) Michael Marson Redacted.pdf1.06.1(i) Ian Borsuk Redacted.pdf1.06.1(j) Tracey Langille Redacted.pdf1.06.1(k) T.H. Ponders Redacted.pdf1.06.1(l) Don McLean Redacted.pdf1.06.2 - Jeffrey McCabe Delegation - REDACTED.pdf1.11.3 - 75 James TIG Motion - REVISED.pdf1.GIC Delegation - Hamilton LRT.pdf1.06.2(m) Declan Withers Redacted.pdf1.06.1(n) - Clint Crabtree Delegation Request.pdf1.06.1(o) - Evan Ubene Delegation Request.pdf1.LRT PRESENTATION April 17, 2024.pdf2.P3s and LRTs - Background Report prepared for presenation at General Issues Meeting, City of Hamilton, 17 April 2024.pdf1.06.1(p) - Christine McNabb Delegation Request.pdf1.06.1(q) - Selagh Pizey-Allen Delegation Request.pdf1.05.2(a) - Robyn Deshaies - Correspondence - Item 8.1.pdf1.CBTU Letter of Support.pdf1.HCCI Letter of Support.pdf1.HDLC Letter and union affiliates.pdf1.SSHO Students Letter of Support.pdf1.WAHC Letter of Support.pdf1.YWCA Letter of Support.pdf1.Mary Love - Correspondence - Redacted.pdf1.CUPW Union Affiliates_Redacted.pdf1.Mary Henderson - Written Delegation - Redacted.pdf