City of HamiltonGENERAL ISSUES COMMITTEE ADDENDUMMeeting #:20-001Date:Wednesday, January 15, 2020Time: 9:30 A.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Council Chambers, Hamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestStephanie Paparella, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 39935.COMMUNICATIONS 5.1Correspondence respecting Item 3 of the School Board Properties Sub-Committee Report 19-003, as it relates to Report PED19239 - Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Property at 65 Frances Avenue, Stoney Creek (Ward 10) (Item 10.9) Recommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of Item Beach Community Council 1.5.1(a) Correspondence - Lakewood Beach Community Council.pdf5.1.bSherry Hayes and Dennis Facia 1.5.1(b) Correspondence - Sherry Hayes and Dennis Facia.pdf5.1.cD. and P. Stanford 1.5.1(c) Correspondence - D and P Stanford.pdf5.1.dAlexandra Kamphuis 1.5.1(d) Correspondence - Alexandra Kamphuis.pdf5.1.eDebbie Martin 1.5.1(e) Correspondence - Deborah Martin (Item 10.9).pdf5.1.fLinda McEneny 1.5.1(f) Correspondence - Linda McEneny.pdf5.1.gSusan Easson 1.5.1(g) Correspondence - Susan Easson.pdf5.2Suzanne Mammel, CEO - Hamilton-Halton Home Builders' Association, respecting Item 11.2 - GRIDS 2 Transportation and Infrastructure Assessment 1.5.2 Correspondence - Suzanne Mammel, HHHBA.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of Item 11.2.6.DELEGATION REQUESTS 6.2Dave Steeves, Stelco Fishing Club and Area Angling Clubs, respecting a Request for a Free Public Boat Launch at Fisherman's Pier 1.6.2 Request to Speak - Dave Steeves - December 13, 2019.pdf(For a future GIC)6.3Don McLean, Hamilton 350 Committee, respecting the City’s Climate Emergency 1.6.3 Request to Speak - Don McLean, Hamilton 350 Committee - January 9, 2020.pdf(For the February 5, 2020 GIC)6.4Tom Ker, respecting Item 10.13 - Report PED20008, Feasibility of Locating a New Arena on the Hamilton Mountain 1.6.4 Request to Speak - Tom Ker.pdf6.5Greg Maychak, Cecelia Carter-Smith and Jasper Kujavsky, Hamilton100 Commonwealth Games Bid Corporation, respecting Item 10.7 - Report PED19108(c) - Commonwealth Games 2030 1.6.5 Request to Speak - Hamilton100 Bid Corporation - January 13 2020.pdf12.NOTICES OF MOTION 12.1Protection of Solicitor-Client Privilege by Separating Legal Advice from all Confidential Staff Reports and Recommendations 1.12.1 Notice of Motion - Protection of Solicitor-Client Privilege (Clark).pdf12.2Leaving Children Unattended in a Vehicle 1.12.2 Notice of Motion - Unattended Children in a Vehicle (Merulla).pdf12.3Feasibility of Developing a Hamilton Biodiversity Action Plan 1.12.3 Notice of Motion - Biodiversity Plan (Clark).pdfNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.5.1(a) Correspondence - Lakewood Beach Community Council.pdf1.5.1(b) Correspondence - Sherry Hayes and Dennis Facia.pdf1.5.1(c) Correspondence - D and P Stanford.pdf1.5.1(d) Correspondence - Alexandra Kamphuis.pdf1.5.1(e) Correspondence - Deborah Martin (Item 10.9).pdf1.6.2 Request to Speak - Dave Steeves - December 13, 2019.pdf1.6.3 Request to Speak - Don McLean, Hamilton 350 Committee - January 9, 2020.pdf1.6.4 Request to Speak - Tom Ker.pdf1.12.1 Notice of Motion - Protection of Solicitor-Client Privilege (Clark).pdf1.12.2 Notice of Motion - Unattended Children in a Vehicle (Merulla).pdf1.12.3 Notice of Motion - Biodiversity Plan (Clark).pdf1.6.5 Request to Speak - Hamilton100 Bid Corporation - January 13 2020.pdf1.5.2 Correspondence - Suzanne Mammel, HHHBA.pdf1.5.1(f) Correspondence - Linda McEneny.pdf1.5.1(g) Correspondence - Susan Easson.pdf