City of HamiltonAUDIT, FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ADDENDUMMeeting #:24-022Date:Thursday, December 05, 2024Time: 9:30 A.m. - 12:30 P.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestTamara Bates, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 410210.DISCUSSION ITEMS Public Comments: 10.1Governance Review Sub-Committee Report 24-003 (November 25, 2024) 1.10.1 - Governance Report 24-003 (November 25, 2024).pdf2.10.1 - Governance Report 24-003 - Appendix A - REVISED.pdf3.10.1 - Governance - Appendix B - REVISED.pdf4.10.1 - Governance - Appendix C - REVISED.pdfFor Item 2, Appendices B and C, showing a summary of changes to and a tracked changes version of the Procedural By-Law, have been included for reference.10.2Appointment of Treasurer and Deputy Treasurers (FCS24068) (City Wide) - REVISED 1.10.2 - FCS24068 Appointment of Treasurer and Deputy Treasurers - REVISED.pdf2.10.2 - FCS24068 Appendix A - REVISED.pdf3.10.2 - FCS24068 Appendix B.pdf12.NOTICES OF MOTION Public Comments: 12.1Neighbour-to-Neighbour Ward 8 Councillor Community Grant Funding 1.12.1 - Motion (Final) - Neighbour to Neighbour (Spadafora).pdf(A request to waive the rules will be introduced)12.2Utilization of Ward Minor Maintenance Accounts for Print and Mailing Costs 1.12.2 - NOM - Ward Minor Maintenance Accounts for Print and Mail (Kroetsch).pdf(A request to waive the rules will be introduced.)No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.12.1 - Motion (Final) - Neighbour to Neighbour (Spadafora).pdf1.10.1 - Governance Report 24-003 (November 25, 2024).pdf2.10.1 - Governance Report 24-003 - Appendix A - REVISED.pdf3.10.1 - Governance - Appendix B - REVISED.pdf4.10.1 - Governance - Appendix C - REVISED.pdf1.12.2 - NOM - Ward Minor Maintenance Accounts for Print and Mail (Kroetsch).pdf1.10.2 - FCS24068 Appointment of Treasurer and Deputy Treasurers - REVISED.pdf2.10.2 - FCS24068 Appendix A - REVISED.pdf3.10.2 - FCS24068 Appendix B.pdf