City of HamiltonLIGHT RAIL TRANSIT SUB-COMMITTEEAGENDAMeeting #:25-001Date:Thursday, February 20, 2025Time: 2:30 P.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestCarrie McIntosh, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 27291.CALL TO ORDER 2.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)4.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 5.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 6.DELEGATIONS 7.ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 7.1Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project Update (PED25052) (City Wide) 1.PED25052.pdf2.PED25052 Appendix A.pdf3.PED25052 Presentation.pdfThis item will be preceded by a presentation.7.2Street Design and Furniture Standards for the Hamilton LRT Corridor (PED25051) (City Wide) 1.PED25051.pdf2.PED25051 Appendix A.pdf3.PED25051 Appendix B.pdf4.PED25051 Presentation.pdfThis item will be preceded by a presentation.8.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 9.MOTIONS 9.1Request that Staff from Metrolinx Attend the Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee 1.09.1 - Request that Staff from Metrolinx Attend the Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee.pdf10.NOTICE OF MOTIONS 11.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.PED25051.pdf2.PED25051 Appendix A.pdf3.PED25051 Appendix B.pdf4.PED25051 Presentation.pdf1.09.1 - Request that Staff from Metrolinx Attend the Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee.pdf1.PED25052.pdf2.PED25052 Appendix A.pdf3.PED25052 Presentation.pdf