City of HamiltonTRUCK ROUTESUB-COMMITTEE REVISEDMeeting #:21-001Date:Monday, November 29, 2021Time: 9:30 A.m. - 7:30 P.m.Location:Due to the COVID-19 and the Closure of City Hall (CC)All electronic meetings can be viewed at:City’s Website: City's YouTube Channel: or Cable 14Angela McRae, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 59871.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1November 1, 2019 1.Truck_Route_Minutes_-_November_1__2019.pdf5.COMMUNICATIONS 5.1Correspondence from Jo-Anne and Erwin Mataitis, respecting concern regarding designating Nebo Rd as a truck route south of Dickenson Rd 1.Correspondence - Jo-Anne and Erwin Mataitis - Truck Route Sub-Committee - Nov 29, 2021 Meeting_Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.2Correspondence from Tina and Duro Brajic, respecting concern regarding designating Nebo Rd as a truck route south of Dickenson Rd 1.Correspondence Tina and Duro Brajic - Truck Route Sub-Committee_Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.3Correspondence from Bob Berberick, respecting comments regarding the TRMP are made from the lens of a Ward 3 resident 1.Correspondence - Bob Berberick - Truck Route Sub-Committee - Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.4Correspondence from Tanya DeJager, respecting the Truck Route Master Plan Update and the Resident of Nebo Road 1.Correspondence - Tanya DeJager -Truck Route Sub Committee - Residents of Nebo Road - Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.5Correspondence from Greg Ryan, respecting the Truck Route Master Plan 1.Correspondence - Greg Ryan - Truck Route Master Plan - Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.6Correspondence from the Lakewood Beach Community Council, respecting Truck Route Master Plan Changes 1.Correspondence - Lakewood Beach Community Council - Truck Route Master Plan Changes.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of Item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.7Correspondence from Sylvia Brellisford, respecting the Truck Route Master Plan Changes 1.Correspondence - Truck Route - Sylvia Brellisford - Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of Item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.8Correspondence from David Colacci, respecting the Truck Route Master Plan Update 1.Correspondence - Truck Route - David Colacci - Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of Item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.9Correspondence from Mark Anderson, Cycle Hamilton, respecting the Hamilton Truck Route Master Plan 1.Correspondence - Mark Anderson - Cycle Hamilton - Truck Route Master Plan - Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of Item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.10Correspondence from Frances Murray, respecting the Truck Route Master Plan 1.Correspondence - Frances Murray - Truck Route - Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of Item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.11Correspondence from Mark Herbert, P&H Milling Group, respecting the Hamilton Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) 1.Truck Route Sub-Committee Letter Nov. 26, 2021 (125657560.1) Signed.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of Item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.12Correspondence from Sherry Hayes and Dennis Facia, respecting the Truck Route Master Plan Changes 1.Correspondence - Truck Route - Sherry Hayes - Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.13Correspondence from Steve Foxcroft, Fluke Transport Limited, respecting Requesting Consideration - Addendum to the Truck Route Master Plan 1.Correspondence - FLUKE TRANSPORT (Truck Route Sub Committee).pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.14Correspondence from Ross and Pat Davidson, respecting removal of trucks from Nebo Rd 1.Correspondence - Pat Davidson - Truck Route - Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)5.15Correspondence from Deborah Martin, respecting the Truck Route Master Plan 1.Correspondence - Deborah Martin - Truck Route - Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide)6.DELEGATION REQUESTS Note: Regardless of when the delegation requests were received, video delegations will be played following all virtual delegations.6.1Terry Fair, respecting the proposed truck route along Dickenson Road East in Mount Hope (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Terry Fair - Redacted.pdf6.2Julia Smerilli, respecting opposition to the truck route being on a Dickenson Road East (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Julia Smerilli - Redacted.pdf6.3Karen Prince, respecting reasons why I oppose Dickenson Road being added to the truck route plan (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Karen Prince - Redacted.pdf2.Truck Route Delegation Request - Karen Prince - Photos.pdf6.4Alex Matheson, respecting opposition to Dickenson Rd from Upper James St to Nebo Rd becoming a Truck Route (For today's meeting) 1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Alex_Matheson - Redacted.pdf2.Alex M - Bypass link presentation TMP sub-committee 29 Nov 21 v2. docx.pdf6.5Ted Pitura, respecting opposition of making Dickenson Rd. E., a truck route on the proposed revised Master Truck Route Plan (For today's meeting) 1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Ted_Pitura_-_Redacted.pdf2.Dickenson Road Truck Route Sub Committee Presentation Teds November 29 2021.pdf6.6Wayne Fair, respecting the Truck Route Sub-Committee about the proposed truck route on Dickenson Road East, Mount Hope (For today's meeting) 1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Wayne_Fair_-_Redacted.pdf6.7Gabe Pitura, respecting information on the opposition of making Dickenson Road East a Truck route (For today's meeting) 1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Gabe_Pitura_-_Redacted.pdf2.Dickenson Road Truck Route Sub Committee Presentation for November 29, 2021 Gabe.pdf3.Dickenson Road East - Gabe Pitura.pdf6.8James Pearce, respecting Pedestrian safety on Proposed Truck Route, Dickenson Road (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Reqeust - James Pearce - Redacted.pdf6.9Mohammed Abu Isheh, respecting the proposed Truck Route (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Mohammed Abu Isheh - Redacted.pdf6.10Greg Ryan, Respect Our Rural Roads, respecting the Truck Route Mater Plan (For today's meeting) - WITHDRAWN 1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Greg_Ryan_-_Redacted.pdf6.10.aWITHDRAWN 6.11Brian Kellington, Laidlaw Carriers Bulk GP Inc, respecting City of Hamilton’s Truck Route Review to represent Laidlaw bulk carriers and also provide suggestions and reviews on this matter (For today's meeting) 1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Brian_Kellington_-_Redacted.pdf6.12Larissa Fenn, Hamilton-Oshawa Port Authority (HOPA) Ports, respecting the Truck Route Review (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Larissa Fenn - HOPA Ports.pdf6.13Lynda Lukasik, Environment Hamilton, respecting the proposed Truck Route revisions coming out of the Truck Route Study Review (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Lynda Lukaski - Environment Hamilton.pdf6.14Robert Magro, respecting opposed to truck route along Carlisle Rd for safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and reduce noise pollution to the area (For today's meeting) 1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Robert_Magro_-_REDACTED.pdf6.15Cameron Kroetsch, respecting Item 8.1 Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide) (For today's meeting) 1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Cameron_Kroetsch_-_Redacted.pdf6.16Stephen Laskowski, Ontario Trucking Association, respecting OTA Member Feedback on Truck Route Master Plan Update (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Stephen Laskowski - Redacted.pdf6.17Sean J. Hurley, respecting the final draft report of the truck route master plan (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Sean J Hurley - Redacted.pdf6.18Beatrice Ekoko, respecting the Truck Route Master Plan Proposal (For today's meeting) - Video Submission 1.Truck Route - Delegation Request - Video Submission - Beatrice Ekoko - Redacted.pdf6.19Robert Iszkula, Truck Route Reboot, respecting comments on the truck route review process (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Robert Iszkula - Redacted.pdf6.20Tanya Ritchie, respecting the Truck Route Master Plan and the existing ring road (For today's meeting) - Video Submission 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Video Submission - Tanya Ritchie - Redacted.pdf6.21Sean Burak, respecting the updated Truck Route Master Plan staff report (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Sean Burak - Redacted.pdf6.22John Neary, respecting resident comments on process and outcome of the Truck Route Master Plan (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - John Neary - Redacted.pdf6.23Norman Robinson, respecting the removal of the restriction for truck travel between the hours of 7:00 pm to 7:00 am (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Norman Robinson - Redacted.pdf6.24Lucas Greig, respecting the Truck Route Master Plan and disappointment with the suggestion to have Wellington Ave and Victoria Ave continue as full time truck routes (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Lucas Greig - Redacted.pdf6.25John Laudonio, respecting the current proposed truck route and future changes (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - John Laudonio - Redacted.pdf6.26Robert Branch, respecting non-compliance enforcement, mitigation necessities and enforcement in rural areas (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Robert Branch - Redacted.pdf6.27Leah Avery, respecting concern with the environmental and economic impact of shortcutting trucks in the urban core (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Leah Avery - Redacted.pdf6.28Hugh Loomans, Sylvite, respecting changes to the truck routing will have a major impact on our business and add significant costs to the farm community to the west of Hamilton (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Hugh Loomans - Sylvite - Redacted.pdf6.29Randy Kay, respecting comments on the truck route study and suggest it needs more work before it can be approved (For today's meeting) - Video Submission 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Randy Kay - Redacted.pdf6.30Russel Hurst, Ontario Agri Business Association, respecting the Hamilton Truck Route Master Plan (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Russel Hurst - Ontario Agri Business Association - Redacted.pdf6.31Cal and Teresa DiFalco, The Fruitland, Winona, Stoney Creek Community Association for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods Inc., respecting the Truck Route Master Plan (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Cal and Teresa DiFalco - Redacted.pdf6.32Rene Lemay, Bunge, respecting Truck Route Master Plan (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Rene Lemay - Bunge - Redacted.pdf6.33Victor Mejia, respecting the Truck Route Master Plan (For today's meeting) 1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Victor Mejia - Redacted.pdf7.CONSENT ITEMS 8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 8.1Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(b)) (City Wide) 1.PED19073(b).pdf2.PED19073(b) - Appendix A - REVISED .pdf3.PED19073(b) Appendix B.pdf4.PRESENTATION - Hamilton Truck Route Master Plan Update - Subcommittee Meeting, November 29.pdf9.PUBLIC HEARINGS / DELEGATIONS 10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 11.MOTIONS 12.NOTICES OF MOTION 12.1Initiation of Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for a new arterial roadway in Glanbrook connecting the Airport Employment Growth District to the Red Hill Business Park 1.Notice of Motion - Truck Route Sub-committee November 29.pdf13.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 14.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 15.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Karen Prince - Redacted.pdf2.Truck Route Delegation Request - Karen Prince - Photos.pdf1.Truck_Route_Minutes_-_November_1__2019.pdf1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Alex_Matheson - Redacted.pdf2.Alex M - Bypass link presentation TMP sub-committee 29 Nov 21 v2. docx.pdf1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Ted_Pitura_-_Redacted.pdf2.Dickenson Road Truck Route Sub Committee Presentation Teds November 29 2021.pdf1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Gabe_Pitura_-_Redacted.pdf2.Dickenson Road Truck Route Sub Committee Presentation for November 29, 2021 Gabe.pdf3.Dickenson Road East - Gabe Pitura.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Terry Fair - Redacted.pdf1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Wayne_Fair_-_Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Mohammed Abu Isheh - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Julia Smerilli - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Reqeust - James Pearce - Redacted.pdf1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Greg_Ryan_-_Redacted.pdf1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Brian_Kellington_-_Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Larissa Fenn - HOPA Ports.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Lynda Lukaski - Environment Hamilton.pdf1.PED19073(b).pdf2.PED19073(b) - Appendix A - REVISED .pdf3.PED19073(b) Appendix B.pdf4.PRESENTATION - Hamilton Truck Route Master Plan Update - Subcommittee Meeting, November 29.pdf1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Robert_Magro_-_REDACTED.pdf1.Truck_Route_Delegation_Request_-_Cameron_Kroetsch_-_Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Stephen Laskowski - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Sean J Hurley - Redacted.pdf1.Correspondence - Jo-Anne and Erwin Mataitis - Truck Route Sub-Committee - Nov 29, 2021 Meeting_Redacted.pdf1.Correspondence Tina and Duro Brajic - Truck Route Sub-Committee_Redacted.pdf1.Correspondence - Bob Berberick - Truck Route Sub-Committee - Redacted.pdf1.Notice of Motion - Truck Route Sub-committee November 29.pdf1.Correspondence - Tanya DeJager -Truck Route Sub Committee - Residents of Nebo Road - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route - Delegation Request - Video Submission - Beatrice Ekoko - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Robert Iszkula - Redacted.pdf1.Correspondence - Greg Ryan - Truck Route Master Plan - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Video Submission - Tanya Ritchie - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Sean Burak - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - John Neary - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Norman Robinson - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Lucas Greig - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - John Laudonio - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Robert Branch - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Leah Avery - Redacted.pdf1.Correspondence - Lakewood Beach Community Council - Truck Route Master Plan Changes.pdf1.Correspondence - Truck Route - Sylvia Brellisford - Redacted.pdf1.Correspondence - Truck Route - David Colacci - Redacted.pdf1.Correspondence - Mark Anderson - Cycle Hamilton - Truck Route Master Plan - Redacted.pdf1.Correspondence - Frances Murray - Truck Route - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Hugh Loomans - Sylvite - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Randy Kay - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Russel Hurst - Ontario Agri Business Association - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Sub-Committee Letter Nov. 26, 2021 (125657560.1) Signed.pdf1.Correspondence - Truck Route - Sherry Hayes - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Cal and Teresa DiFalco - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Rene Lemay - Bunge - Redacted.pdf1.Correspondence - FLUKE TRANSPORT (Truck Route Sub Committee).pdf1.Correspondence - Pat Davidson - Truck Route - Redacted.pdf1.Correspondence - Deborah Martin - Truck Route - Redacted.pdf1.Truck Route Delegation Request - Victor Mejia - Redacted.pdf