City of HamiltonPUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REVISEDMeeting #:24-015Date:Monday, November 04, 2024Time: 1:30 P.m. - 3:30 P.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestCarrie McIntosh, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 27291.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1October 15, 2024 1.04.1 - Minutes (October 15, 2024).pdf5.COMMUNICATIONS 5.1Correspondence from the Ontario Good Roads Association requesting support calling on the provincial government to establish an Ontario Rural Safety Program 1.05.1 Good Roads.pdfRecommendation: Be received. 5.2Correspondence from the Lake Erie Source Protection Region requesting support for the Source Protection Plan Amendments 1.05.2 - Correspondence from the Lake Erie Source Protection Regionn.pdfRecommendation: be endorsed.6.DELEGATION REQUESTS 7.DELEGATIONS 7.1John Galer, Rockton Lions Club, respecting a permit to construct a path around the Beverly Community Centre (In Person) (Approved September 16, 2024) 7.2Jennifer Valeri, respecting adding the pride bench design to the commemorative benches that can be purchased in memoriam (Virtually) (Approved September 30, 2024) 7.3Joshua Rose, Rukebar's Action for Community, respecting lack of working water fountains in the City (In person) (Approved October 15, 2024) 8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 9.CONSENT ITEMS 9.1Pathway Proposal by the Rockton Lions Club at Beverly Community Park, 680 Hwy. No. 8 (Flamborough) (PW24068) (Ward 13) (Outstanding Business List Item) 1.PW24068-Pathway Proposal by the Rockton Lions Club at Beverly Community Park.pdf2.PW24068 - Appendix A.pdf10.PUBLIC HEARINGS 10.1Proposed Permanent Closure and Sale of a Portion of Sanatorium Road, Hamilton (PW24074) (Ward 14) 1.PW24074 - Proposed Permanent Closure and Sale of a Portion of Sanatorium Road, Hamilton (PW24074) (Ward 14).pdf2.PW24074 - Appendix A.pdf3.PW24074 - Appendix B.pdf4.PW24074 - Appendix C.pdf5.PW24074 - Appendix D.pdfa.Registered Delegations: a.Matt Johnston, UrbanSolutions Planning & Land Development Consultants Inc. (In person) 1.10.1 - Delegation Request - Matt Johnston, UrbanSolutions.pdf11.DISCUSSION ITEMS 11.1Sewage Spills from City Infrastructure – Annual Report (PW24072) (City Wide) 1.PW24072 - Sewage Spills from City Infrastructure - Annual Report.pdf2.PW24072 - Appendix A.pdf12.MOTIONS 12.1Investment in Trenholme Park Bocce Club, 135 Trenholme Crescent, Hamilton (Ward 6) 1.12.1 - Investment in Trenholme Park Bocce Club 135 Trenholme Crescent Hamilton (Ward 6).pdf13.NOTICES OF MOTION 13.1Report Back on the Feasibility Planning Study for the Lincoln M. Alexander Parkway (Ward 14) - REVISED 1.Notice of Motion - Report Back on the Feasibility Planning Study for the Lincoln M. Alexander Parkway (Ward 14) - REVISED.pdf13.2Water Service Permit for 7030 Twenty Road East, Glanbrook (Ward 11) 1.13.2 - Notice of Motion - Water Service Permit for 7030 Twenty Road East (Ward 11).pdf14.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 14.1Amendments to the Outstanding Business List a.Items Considered Complete and Needing to be Removed: a.Beverly Community Park, 680 Hwy. No. 8 (Flamborough), Pathway Proposal by the Rockton Lions Club (Ward 13) Added: March 20, 2023 Addressed as Item 9.1 on today's agenda15.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 16.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.12.1 - Investment in Trenholme Park Bocce Club 135 Trenholme Crescent Hamilton (Ward 6).pdf1.04.1 - Minutes (October 15, 2024).pdf1.05.1 Good Roads.pdf1.10.1 - Delegation Request - Matt Johnston, UrbanSolutions.pdf1.PW24068-Pathway Proposal by the Rockton Lions Club at Beverly Community Park.pdf2.PW24068 - Appendix A.pdf1.PW24074 - Proposed Permanent Closure and Sale of a Portion of Sanatorium Road, Hamilton (PW24074) (Ward 14).pdf2.PW24074 - Appendix A.pdf3.PW24074 - Appendix B.pdf4.PW24074 - Appendix C.pdf5.PW24074 - Appendix D.pdf1.PW24072 - Sewage Spills from City Infrastructure - Annual Report.pdf2.PW24072 - Appendix A.pdf1.13.2 - Notice of Motion - Water Service Permit for 7030 Twenty Road East (Ward 11).pdf1.05.2 - Correspondence from the Lake Erie Source Protection Regionn.pdf1.Notice of Motion - Report Back on the Feasibility Planning Study for the Lincoln M. Alexander Parkway (Ward 14) - REVISED.pdf