City of HamiltonPUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REVISEDMeeting #:24-008Date:Monday, June 17, 2024Time: 1:30 P.m. - 3:30 P.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestCarrie McIntosh, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 27291.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 1.1June 16 – 22 is Waste and Recycling Workers Week! 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1June 3, 2024 1.04.1 - Minutes (June 3, 2024).pdf5.COMMUNICATIONS 6.DELEGATION REQUESTS 6.1Jake Maurice respecting the HSR Front Boarding Policy (In Person) (For today's meeting) 1.06.1 - Delegation Request - Jake Maurice_Redacted.pdf6.2Delegation Requests respecting the Hamilton Street Railway (HSR) Fare Policies (For today's meeting) a.Mary Love, Council of Canadians Hamilton Chapter (In Person) 1.06.2(a) - Delegation Request - Mary Love, Council of Canadians Hamilton Chapter_Redacted.pdfb.Katie King, HCBN (In Person) 1.06.2(b) - Delegation Request - Katie King, HCBN_Redacted.pdfc.Tim Nolan, Accessibility Hamilton Alliance (In Person) 1.06.2(c) - Delegation Request - Tim Nolan, Accessibility Hamilton Alliance_Redacted.pdfd.Brad Evoy, Disability Justice Network of Ontario (In Person) 1.06.2(d) - Deledgation Request - Brad Evoy, Disability Justice Network of Ontario.pdfe.Chelsea MacDonald (Virtually) - WITHDRAWN 1.06.2(e) - Delegation Request - Chelsea MacDonald_Redacted.pdf7.DELEGATIONS 7.1James Kemp respecting concerns regarding the HSR's front door entry policy for people with disabilities and lack of accessible fare payment options regarding Presto (Virtually) (Approved June 3, 2024) 8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 8.1Woodward Water Treatment Plant Phase 2 Upgrades (PW22078(a)) (City Wide) 1.PW22078(a) - Woodward Water Treatment Plant Phase 2 Upgrades - four FTEs.pdf2.PW22078(a) - Appendix A.pdf3.PW22078(a) - Appendix B.pdf4.PW22078(a) - Appendix C.pdf5.PW22078(a) - Appendix D.pdf6.PW22078(a) - Appendix E.pdfa.Woodward Water Treatment Plant Phase 2 Upgrades (PW22078(a)) (City Wide) - REVISED PRESENTATION 1.PW22078(a) - Presentation.pdf9.CONSENT ITEMS 9.12023 Year End Report on Community Bookings at Tim Hortons Field (PW18075(c)) (Ward 3) 1.PW18075(c) - 2023 Year End Report on Community Bookings at Tim Hortons Field.pdf2.Appendix “A” to Report PW18075(c).pdf9.2Waste Management Sub-Committee Report 24-002 - May 30, 2024 1.09.2 - WMSC Report (May 30, 2024).pdf10.PUBLIC HEARINGS 11.DISCUSSION ITEMS 11.1Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund (PW24038) 1.PW24038 - Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund.pdf2.PW24038 - Appendix A.pdf3.PW24038 - Appendix B.pdf4.PW24038 - Appendix C.pdf11.2Urban Waste Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturer Standardization (PW24042) (City Wide) 1.PW24042 Urban Waste Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturer Standardization (City Wide).pdf11.3Policy 11 - Compressed Natural Gas Mobile Refuelling Equipment (PW22003(a)) (City Wide) 1.PW22003a - Policy 11 - Compressed Natural Gas Mobile Refuelling Equipment.pdf12.MOTIONS 12.1Strachan Open Space Redevelopment (Ward 2) 1.12.1 - Motion - Strachan Open Space Redevelopment (Ward 2) - final.pdf12.2Fencing Installation for Gage Park Community Garden Located at 1000 Main Street East, Hamilton (Ward 3) 1.12.2 - Motion - Fencing Installation for Gage Park Community Garden Located at 1000 Main Street East, Hamilton (Ward 3).pdf12.3Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure on Various Roadways in Ward 10 (Ward 10) 1.12.3 - Motion - Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure on Various Roadways in Ward 10.pdf12.4Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure on Howard Boulevard (Ward 15) 1.12.4 - Motion - Installation of Speed Cushion as a Traffic Calming Measure on Howard Boulevard in Ward 15.pdf12.5Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure on Frederick Avenue (Ward 4) 1.12.5 - Motion - Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure on Frederick Avenue in Ward 4.pdf12.6Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure on Huntington Avenue (Ward 6) 1.12.6 - Motion- Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure on Huntington Avenue Ward 6.pdf12.7Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure Around Chedoke Elementary School and Mountview Elementary School (Ward 14) 1.12.7 - Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure Around Chedoke and Mountview Elementary School .pdf12.8Hamilton Beach Strip Open Space, Adjacent to Lakeside Avenue (Ward 5) 1.12.8 - Motion - Hamilton Beach Strip Open Space adjacent to Lakeside Avenue (Ward 5).pdf13.NOTICES OF MOTION 14.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 15.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 16.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.12.1 - Motion - Strachan Open Space Redevelopment (Ward 2) - final.pdf1.12.2 - Motion - Fencing Installation for Gage Park Community Garden Located at 1000 Main Street East, Hamilton (Ward 3).pdf1.PW18075(c) - 2023 Year End Report on Community Bookings at Tim Hortons Field.pdf2.Appendix “A” to Report PW18075(c).pdf1.12.5 - Motion - Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure on Frederick Avenue in Ward 4.pdf1.12.6 - Motion- Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure on Huntington Avenue Ward 6.pdf1.PW24038 - Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund.pdf2.PW24038 - Appendix A.pdf3.PW24038 - Appendix B.pdf4.PW24038 - Appendix C.pdf1.PW22078(a) - Woodward Water Treatment Plant Phase 2 Upgrades - four FTEs.pdf2.PW22078(a) - Appendix A.pdf3.PW22078(a) - Appendix B.pdf4.PW22078(a) - Appendix C.pdf5.PW22078(a) - Appendix D.pdf6.PW22078(a) - Appendix E.pdf1.12.7 - Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure Around Chedoke and Mountview Elementary School .pdf1.09.2 - WMSC Report (May 30, 2024).pdf1.12.4 - Motion - Installation of Speed Cushion as a Traffic Calming Measure on Howard Boulevard in Ward 15.pdf1.12.3 - Motion - Installation of Speed Cushions as a Traffic Calming Measure on Various Roadways in Ward 10.pdf1.PW24042 Urban Waste Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturer Standardization (City Wide).pdf1.06.1 - Delegation Request - Jake Maurice_Redacted.pdf1.PW22003a - Policy 11 - Compressed Natural Gas Mobile Refuelling Equipment.pdf1.12.8 - Motion - Hamilton Beach Strip Open Space adjacent to Lakeside Avenue (Ward 5).pdf1.06.2(a) - Delegation Request - Mary Love, Council of Canadians Hamilton Chapter_Redacted.pdf1.06.2(b) - Delegation Request - Katie King, HCBN_Redacted.pdf1.06.2(c) - Delegation Request - Tim Nolan, Accessibility Hamilton Alliance_Redacted.pdf1.PW22078(a) - Presentation.pdf1.06.2(e) - Delegation Request - Chelsea MacDonald_Redacted.pdf1.06.2(d) - Deledgation Request - Brad Evoy, Disability Justice Network of Ontario.pdf1.04.1 - Minutes (June 3, 2024).pdf