City of HamiltonPUBLIC HEALTH COMMITTEEAGENDAMeeting #:24-003Date:Tuesday, April 02, 2024Time: 9:30 A.m. - 10:30 A.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestMatt Gauthier, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 64371.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1February 5, 2024 1.04.1 PHC Minutes 24-002.pdf5.COMMUNICATIONS 5.1Correspondence from Joy Lachica, Board of Health Chair, Peterborough Public Health, respecting Legislated improvements to indoor air quality (IAQ) in indoor public settings are required to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 and other airborne pathogens Recommendation: Be received. 5.2Correspondence from Wess Garrod, Board of Health Chair, Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Public Health, respecting Public Health Ontario Laboratories Recommendation: Be endorsed.6.DELEGATION REQUESTS 6.1Kathleen Zavarise, Trillium Gift of Life, respecting Spreading Awareness about Organ and Tissue Donation (for a future meeting) 1.06.1 Kathleen Zavarise - Organ and Tissue Donation_Redacted.pdf7.DELEGATIONS 8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 9.CONSENT ITEMS 9.1City of Hamilton Support for SCORE! Program (BOH24007) (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List Item) 1.09.1 BOH24007 - City of Hamilton Support for SCORE! Program.pdf2.09.1 BOH24007 - Appendix A.pdf9.2Monitoring Heat-Related Deaths and Illnesses in Hamilton (BOH24005) (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List Item) 1.09.2 BOH24005 - Monitoring Heat-Related Deaths and Illnesses in Hamilton.pdf2.09.2 BOH24005 - Appendix A - Supporting Figures for Monitoring Heat-Related Deaths and Illnesses in Hamilton.pdf9.3Suspect Drug-Related Deaths and Opioid-Related Paramedic Calls (September-December 2023) (BOH24006) (City Wide) 1.09.3 BOH24006 - Suspect Drug-Related Deaths and Opioid-Related Paramedic Calls (September-December 2023).pdf2.09.3 BOH24006 - Appendix A - Supporting Figures Quarterly Update Opioid Suspect Deaths and Paramedic Calls.pdf10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1Selection Criteria and Policy and By-Law Changes to Implement the Public Health Sub-Committee (BOH24003) (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List Item) 1.BOH24003 - Selection Criteria and Policy and By-Law Changes to Implement the Public Health Sub-Committee.pdf2.BOH24003 - Appendix A - Criteria for the Selection of Community and Education Representatives on the Public Health Sub-C.pdf3.BOH24003 - Appendix B - Terms of Reference for the Public Health Sub-Committee.pdf4.BOH24003 - Appendix C - Amendments to the Corporate Policy – Appointment of Citizens to the City’s Local Boards.pdf5.BOH24003 - Appendix D - Amendments to By-law 21-021, A By-Law to Govern the Proceedings of Council and Committee.pdf11.MOTIONS 12.NOTICES OF MOTION 13.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 13.1Amendments to the Outstanding Business List a.Items Considered Complete and to be Removed a.Feasibility of Tracking Heat-Related Deaths and Illnesses Added: May 15, 2023 (Special PHC Report 23-006, Item 1(e))Addressed as Item 9.2 on today's agendab.Consultation with SCORE! (Strengthening Community Roots: Anchoring Newcomers in Wellness and Sustainability) on the Riverdale Neighborhood Project (Ward 5) Added: December 4, 2023 (PHC Report 23-012, Item 5)Addressed as Item 9.1 on today's agenda14.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 15.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.06.1 Kathleen Zavarise - Organ and Tissue Donation_Redacted.pdf1.09.1 BOH24007 - City of Hamilton Support for SCORE! Program.pdf2.09.1 BOH24007 - Appendix A.pdf1.09.2 BOH24005 - Monitoring Heat-Related Deaths and Illnesses in Hamilton.pdf2.09.2 BOH24005 - Appendix A - Supporting Figures for Monitoring Heat-Related Deaths and Illnesses in Hamilton.pdf1.09.3 BOH24006 - Suspect Drug-Related Deaths and Opioid-Related Paramedic Calls (September-December 2023).pdf2.09.3 BOH24006 - Appendix A - Supporting Figures Quarterly Update Opioid Suspect Deaths and Paramedic Calls.pdf1.BOH24003 - Selection Criteria and Policy and By-Law Changes to Implement the Public Health Sub-Committee.pdf2.BOH24003 - Appendix A - Criteria for the Selection of Community and Education Representatives on the Public Health Sub-C.pdf3.BOH24003 - Appendix B - Terms of Reference for the Public Health Sub-Committee.pdf4.BOH24003 - Appendix C - Amendments to the Corporate Policy – Appointment of Citizens to the City’s Local Boards.pdf5.BOH24003 - Appendix D - Amendments to By-law 21-021, A By-Law to Govern the Proceedings of Council and Committee.pdf1.04.1 PHC Minutes 24-002.pdf