City of HamiltonEMERGENCY & COMMUNITY SERVICESCOMMITTEE REVISEDMeeting #:23-004Date:Thursday, March 23, 2023Time: 1:30 P.m. - 5:30 P.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestLoren Kolar, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 26041.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1February 16, 2023 1.04.1 Minutes February 16 2023.pdf5.COMMUNICATIONS 5.1Correspondence from Carmen Orlandis, Ward 3 Stinson Elder respecting the Arkledun Delay Mitigation and Interim Plan for Homelessness System Service Levels for Single Women (HSC23019) (City Wide) 1.Correspondence from Carmen Orlandis respecting the Arkledun Delay Mitigation and Interim Plan_Redacted.pdfRecommendation: Be received and referred to Item 10.2, Arkledun Delay Mitigation and Interim Plan for Homelessness System Service Levels for Single Women (HSC23019) (City Wide)6.DELEGATION REQUESTS 6.1Hafeez Hussain, respecting the controls and verification process in the Healthy and Safe Communities in administrating the Ontario Works and ODSP Programs (for a future meeting) 1.Delegation Request Hussain Administration of Ontario and ODSP Programs_Redacted.pdf6.2Jean Fair, respecting Radial Separation and Moratorium and Item 10.2, Arkledun Delay Mitigation and Interim Plan for Homelessness System Service Levels for Single Women (HSC23019) (City Wide) (for today's meeting) 1.06.2 ECS Delegation FAIR_ Radial Separation and Moratorium_Redacted.pdf6.3Manny Figueiredo, President & CEO YMCA of Hamilton, Burlington and Brantford, programs and services the WMCA delivers to support homelessness prevention, 1.06.3 ECS Delegation Figueiredo_ YWCA and Homelessness.pdfand an overview of the complexities and challenges facing the delivery of service at their 174-bed Men's Transitional Living Residence at 79 James Street South in Hamilton.6.4Katherine Kalinowski, James Moulton, Shawn MacKeigan, Salvation Army, Good Shepherd and Mission Services, respecting Item 8.1, Ending Chronic Homelessness (HSC23021) (City Wide) REVISED 1.06.4 Delegation Request Salvation Army Good Shepherd Mission Services re Chronice Homelessness.pdf6.5Kayla Hagerty, respecting Item 8.1, Ending Chronic Homelessness (HSC23021) (City Wide) REVISED 1.06.5 Delegation Request HAGERTY re Chronic Homelessness Report and CTS_Redacted.pdf7.DELEGATIONS 7.1Joanne Santucci, Hamilton Food Share, respecting the Status of Hamilton's Emergency Food System (approved at the February 16, 2023 meeting) 7.2Ingrid Waisgluss, respecting Recreational Facilities (approved at the February 16, 2023 meeting) 8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 8.1Ending Chronic Homelessness (HSC23021) (City Wide) REVISED 1.REVISED REPORT HSC23021 Ending Chronic Homelessness.pdf2.REVISED PRESENTATION Ending Chronic Homelessness.pdf3.HSC23021 Appendix A Hamilton's Homelessness Supports.pdf4.HSC23021 Appendix B State of Homelessness.pdf5.HSC23021 Appendix C REVISED Investments to End Homelessness (March 17).pdf6.HSC23021 Appendix D Summary of Investments with Outstanding Funding.pdf7.HSC23021 Appendix E YWCA Submission for TLP Funding .pdfNote: Report HSC23021 and Appendix C are revised, and an additional Appendix "E" has been included on the agenda9.CONSENT ITEMS 9.1Hamilton Fire Department Service Delivery Plan (2019 - 2028) Progress Update 2022 (HSC19026(b)) (City Wide) 1.09.1 HSC19026(b) - Hamilton Fire Department Service Delivery Plan Progress Update.pdf9.2Advisory Committee Minutes a.LGBTQ Advisory Committee - January 17, 2023 1.LGBTQ Minutes January 17 2023.pdfb.Seniors Advisory Committee - January 6, 2023 1.SAC Minutes Jan 6 Final.pdfc.Seniors Advisory Committee - February 3, 2023 1.SAC Minutes Feb 3 Final.pdf10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1Procurement of Physiotherapy Services at Municipal Long-Term Care Homes (HSC23014) (Wards 7 and 13) 1.10.1 HSC23014 - Procurement of Physiotherapy Services in Municipal Long-Term Care Homes (Wards 7 and 13).pdf10.2Arkledun Delay Mitigation and Interim Plan for Homelessness System Service Levels for Single Women (HSC23019) (City Wide) 1.HSC23019 REVISED Arkledun Delay Mitigation and Interim Plan.pdfREVISED11.MOTIONS 11.1Golf Courses in the City of Hamilton Overview REVISED 1.REVISED Motion re Golf Courses M Wilson.pdf12.NOTICES OF MOTION 13.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 13.1Amendment to the Outstanding Business List a.Item to be removed: a.22-A: Comprehensive, Human-rights Based, Health-focused Housing Solutions for Residents Living Encamped across Hamilton ECS 22-001, Item 6 Addressed in: HSC23009, GIC 23-001Encampment Issues reports will go to General Issues Committee14.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 15.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.09.1 HSC19026(b) - Hamilton Fire Department Service Delivery Plan Progress Update.pdf1.10.1 HSC23014 - Procurement of Physiotherapy Services in Municipal Long-Term Care Homes (Wards 7 and 13).pdf1.Delegation Request Hussain Administration of Ontario and ODSP Programs_Redacted.pdf1.LGBTQ Minutes January 17 2023.pdf1.SAC Minutes Jan 6 Final.pdf1.SAC Minutes Feb 3 Final.pdf1.04.1 Minutes February 16 2023.pdf1.06.2 ECS Delegation FAIR_ Radial Separation and Moratorium_Redacted.pdf1.06.3 ECS Delegation Figueiredo_ YWCA and Homelessness.pdf1.HSC23019 REVISED Arkledun Delay Mitigation and Interim Plan.pdf1.REVISED REPORT HSC23021 Ending Chronic Homelessness.pdf2.REVISED PRESENTATION Ending Chronic Homelessness.pdf3.HSC23021 Appendix A Hamilton's Homelessness Supports.pdf4.HSC23021 Appendix B State of Homelessness.pdf5.HSC23021 Appendix C REVISED Investments to End Homelessness (March 17).pdf6.HSC23021 Appendix D Summary of Investments with Outstanding Funding.pdf7.HSC23021 Appendix E YWCA Submission for TLP Funding .pdf1.Correspondence from Carmen Orlandis respecting the Arkledun Delay Mitigation and Interim Plan_Redacted.pdf1.06.4 Delegation Request Salvation Army Good Shepherd Mission Services re Chronice Homelessness.pdf1.06.5 Delegation Request HAGERTY re Chronic Homelessness Report and CTS_Redacted.pdf1.REVISED Motion re Golf Courses M Wilson.pdf