City of HamiltonHAMILTON-WENTWORTHDISTRICTSCHOOL BOARDLIAISON COMMITTEEAGENDAMeeting #:24-002Date:Wednesday, October 30, 2024Time: 2:00 P.m. - 4:00 P.m.Location:Room 264, 2nd Floor, City Hall (hybrid) (RM)71 Main Street WestLoren Kolar, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 26041.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1May 27, 2024 1.Minutes of Previous Meeting May_27_2024.pdf5.COMMUNICATIONS 5.1Correspondence from the Office of the City Clerk, respecting Analysis of Hamilton Schools with Adequate HVAC Systems 1.Correspondence - Analysis of Hamilton Schools with Adequate HVAC Systems.pdf Recommendation: Be received and referred to Item 10.1, Feedback respecting Analysis of Hamilton Schools with Adequate HVAC Systems. 6.DELEGATION REQUESTS 7.DELEGATIONS 8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 9.CONSENT ITEMS 10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1Feedback respecting Analysis of Hamilton Schools with Adequate HVAC Systems (no copy) 11.MOTIONS 12.NOTICES OF MOTION 13.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 14.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 15.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Minutes of Previous Meeting May_27_2024.pdf1.Correspondence - Analysis of Hamilton Schools with Adequate HVAC Systems.pdf