City of HamiltonAUDIT, FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEEAGENDAMeeting #:24-017Date:Thursday, October 03, 2024Time: 9:30 A.m. - 12:30 P.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestTamara Bates, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 41021.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1September 19, 2024 1.04.1 - 016 - Minutes - September 19 2024.pdf5.COMMUNICATIONS 6.DELEGATION REQUESTS 7.DELEGATIONS 8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 9.CONSENT ITEMS 9.1Proposed Federal Development Charges Freeze Impact (FCS24029) (City Wide) 1.09.1 - FCS24029 - Federal DC Freeze Information Report.pdf10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.12024-2034 Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) Agreement (FCS24027) (City Wide) 1.10.1 - FCS24027 2024-2034 Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF).pdf2.10.1 - FCS24027 Appendix A.pdf3.10.1 - FCS24027 Appendix B By-law.pdf11.MOTIONS 12.NOTICES OF MOTION 13.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 14.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 15.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.04.1 - 016 - Minutes - September 19 2024.pdf1.09.1 - FCS24029 - Federal DC Freeze Information Report.pdf1.10.1 - FCS24027 2024-2034 Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF).pdf2.10.1 - FCS24027 Appendix A.pdf3.10.1 - FCS24027 Appendix B By-law.pdf