City of Hamilton


Council Chambers
Hamilton City Hall
71 Main Street West

Council's Weekly Correspondence Listing is circulated pursuant to section 5.14 of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, as Amended.  


If a Member of Council would like a correspondence item listed in the Council's Weekly Correspondence Listing placed on a Committee agenda, the Member must advise the Clerk's Office no later than 12:00 p.m. (Noon) on the day prior to the meeting.

Communication Update - Vacant Unit Tax Update – Amended timelines due to Canada Post labour disruption

Communication Update - Official Plan Amendment Application Received for Urban Boundary Expansion – Elfrida Area  

Communication Update - Bloomberg Global Mayors Challenge

Communication Update - City of Hamilton's Participation in the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative Innovation Track Program (City Wide)

Resolution from the Municipality of Kincardine respecting Property Taxation Implications Related to Non-Market Valuation of Electricity Industry Properties

Correspondence from Kelly Oucharek requesting Council reconsider Barton/Tiffany project.

Correspondence from Chuck Farrauto respecting ending encampments.

Correspondence from the Town of Kearney responding to the Honourable Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the changes to the Planning Act through the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, and the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024.

Resolution from the Municipality of South Huron respecting a request for the Province to reconsider the amendment to Subsection 29(1.2) of the Ontario Heritage Act.

Correspondence from Peterborough Public Health to the Honourable Sylvia Jones, Minister of Health requesting that the Ministry employ the powerful and efficient technology that is now available to develop a provincial Immunization Registry that will ease administrative burdens, increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the health care system and meet the needs of all Ontarians.

Correspondence from the City of Woodstock urging the province to prioritize and support the financial needs of Children’s Aid Society of Oxford County and other child welfare agencies throughout Ontario.

Correspondence from alPHa respecting the launch of the registration for the 2025 alPHa Winter Symposium.

Communication Update - New Detections of Plum Pox Virus: Changes to Quarantine Limits (ES2501) (Wards 9 and 10).