City of HamiltonEMERGENCY & COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEEAGENDAMeeting #:ECS 25-003Date:Thursday, March 20, 2025Time: 1:30 P.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Council ChambersHamilton City Hall71 Main Street WestJessica Versace, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 39931.CALL TO ORDER 2.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)4.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 5.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 5.1February 27, 2025 1.ECS Minutes 25-002 - Feburary 27 2025.pdf6.DELEGATIONS 7.ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 7.1HSC23055(b) 1.07.1 HSC23055(b) Accessibility of City Operated Recreation Facilities.pdf2.07.1 Appendix A to Report HSC23055(b) - City Operated Facilities.pdf3.07.1 Appendix B to Report HSC23055(b) - City Owned Lease Facilities.pdf4.07.1 Appendix C to Report HSC23055(b) - Other Facilities.pdfAccessibility of City Operated Recreation Facilities (Ward 2)7.2HSC25009 1.07.2 HSC25009 Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction.pdf2.07.2 HSC25009 Presentation.pdfHamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction (City Wide)This Item will be preceded by a Staff Presentation7.3HSC25023 1.07.3 HSC25023 - Eastwood Arena Ice Plant Decommissioning - March 11 REVISED.pdf2.07.3 HSC25023 Appendix A.pdfEastwood Arena Ice Plant Decommissioning (Ward 2)8.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 8.1HSC25007 1.07.3 HSC25007 CSWB Gender Based Safety Audit Consideration Report.pdf2.07.3 HSC25007 Appendix A - GBSA YWCA Final Report.pdf3.07.3 HSC25007 Presentation - CSWB Gender Based Safety Audit.pdfCommunity Safety and Wellbeing Gender Based Safety Audits (City Wide)This Item will be preceded by a Staff Presentation8.2Amendments to the Outstanding Business List: a.Items Considered Complete and Needing to be Removed: Accessibility of City Operated Recreation Facilities (HSC23055(b)) (Ward 2)Added: December 7, 2023 (Item 9.2)Completed: Item 7.1 on today's agenda9.MOTIONS 10.NOTICES OF MOTION 11.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 12.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.07.2 HSC25009 Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction.pdf2.07.2 HSC25009 Presentation.pdf1.07.1 HSC23055(b) Accessibility of City Operated Recreation Facilities.pdf2.07.1 Appendix A to Report HSC23055(b) - City Operated Facilities.pdf3.07.1 Appendix B to Report HSC23055(b) - City Owned Lease Facilities.pdf4.07.1 Appendix C to Report HSC23055(b) - Other Facilities.pdf1.07.3 HSC25007 CSWB Gender Based Safety Audit Consideration Report.pdf2.07.3 HSC25007 Appendix A - GBSA YWCA Final Report.pdf3.07.3 HSC25007 Presentation - CSWB Gender Based Safety Audit.pdf1.07.3 HSC25023 - Eastwood Arena Ice Plant Decommissioning - March 11 REVISED.pdf2.07.3 HSC25023 Appendix A.pdf1.ECS Minutes 25-002 - Feburary 27 2025.pdf