City of HamiltonPLANNING COMMITTEE ADDENDUMMeeting #:22-001Date:Tuesday, January 11, 2022Time: 9:30 A.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Due to the COVID-19 and the Closure of City Hall (CC)All electronic meetings can be viewed at:City’s Website: City's YouTube Channel: or Cable 14Lisa Kelsey, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 46055.COMMUNICATIONS Public Comments: 5.1Nancy Hurst, Environment Hamilton, respecting Amendments to the Sign By-law for Election Signs (Item 10.3) 1.05.1 Hurst re 10.3.pdfRecommendation: Be received.5.2Nancy Hurst, Environment Hamilton respecting GRIDS2 (Item 10.1) 1.05.2 Hurst re 10.1.pdfRecommendation: Be received.5.3Scott Beedie, Urban Solutions, respecting Exemption Request for 117 Forest Avenue and 175 Catherine Street South 1.05.3 073-15-Delegation Letter-2022-01-07.pdfRecommendation: Be received.5.4Doreen Stermann respecting Election Signs (Item 10.3) 1.05.4 Stermann.pdfRecommendation: Be received.6.DELEGATION REQUESTS Public Comments: 6.2Delegation Requests respecting 125-129 Robert Street (Item 7.2) (For today's meeting) 1.06.2 a John Ariens Presentation.pdf(a) John Ariens, IBI Group(b) Philip Toms, Toms + McNally Design6.3Aamir Shahzad respecting Taxi Cab By-laws (For today's meeting) 6.4Mehmood Khalid respecting Taxi By-laws (For today's meeting) 6.5Iftikhar Ahmed respecting Taxi By-laws (For today's meeting) 6.6Delegation Requests respecting Municipal Comprehensive Review / Official Plan Review (Item 10.1) (For today's meeting) (a) Lynda Lukasik, Environment Hamilton(b) Don McLean6.7Aasem Sayed respecting Taxi By-laws (For today's meeting) 9.PUBLIC HEARINGS / DELEGATIONS Public Comments: 9.2Application for an Urban Hamilton Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment forLands Located at 315 Robert Street and 223, 225 and 247 East Avenue North, Hamilton (PED22007) (Ward 3) Public Comments: 9.2.bVirtual Delegations: (a) Bruce McLeod12.NOTICES OF MOTION Public Comments: 12.1Request for Minor Variances at 211 and 225 John Street South and 78 Young Street 1.012.1 NoM Variance at John St S and Young St.pdfNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.06.2 a John Ariens Presentation.pdf1.05.1 Hurst re 10.3.pdf1.05.2 Hurst re 10.1.pdf1.05.3 073-15-Delegation Letter-2022-01-07.pdf1.05.4 Stermann.pdf1.012.1 NoM Variance at John St S and Young St.pdf