BOARD OF HEALTHMINUTES 18-20-005Monday, September 21, 2020 9:30 A.m. - 12:30 P.m.Due to the COVID-19 and the Closure of City HallAll electronic meetings can be viewed at:City’s Website: City's YouTube Channel: or Cable 14PresentF. Eisenberger, Maureen Wilson, J. Farr, Nrinder Nann, S. Merulla, C. Collins, T. Jackson, Esther Pauls, John-Paul Danko, Brad Clark, M. Pearson, B. Johnson, L. Ferguson, A. VanderBeek, and J. PartridgeAbsent with RegretsT. WhiteheadTHE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE REFERRED TO COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION:2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)Yeas (14)Eisenberger, Farr, Maureen Wilson, Nrinder Nann, Esther Pauls, John-Paul Danko, Brad Clark, Merulla, Collins, Jackson, Pearson, B. Johnson, Ferguson, and VanderBeekAbsent (2)Whitehead, and PartridgeVote Type: Majority (Voted), RecordedCARRIED (14 to 0)3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1July 10, 2020 1.04.1 Minutes July 10 2020.pdfThat the Minutes of July 10, 2020 be approved as presented.Yeas (14)Eisenberger, Farr, Maureen Wilson, Nrinder Nann, Esther Pauls, John-Paul Danko, Brad Clark, Merulla, Collins, Jackson, Pearson, B. Johnson, Ferguson, and VanderBeekAbsent (2)Whitehead, and PartridgeVote Type: Majority (Voted), RecordedCARRIED (14 to 0)5.COMMUNICATIONS That items 5.1 to 5.5 be received.Yeas (13)Eisenberger, Farr, Maureen Wilson, Nrinder Nann, Esther Pauls, John-Paul Danko, Brad Clark, Merulla, Collins, Jackson, Pearson, B. Johnson, and VanderBeekNays (1)FergusonAbsent (2)Whitehead, and PartridgeVote Type: Majority (Voted), RecordedCARRIED (13 to 1)Yeas (14)Eisenberger, Farr, Maureen Wilson, Nrinder Nann, Esther Pauls, John-Paul Danko, Brad Clark, Merulla, Collins, Jackson, Pearson, B. Johnson, Ferguson, and VanderBeekAbsent (2)Whitehead, and PartridgeVote Type: Majority (Voted), RecordedCARRIED (14 to 0)9.STAFF PRESENTATIONS Absent (2)Whitehead, and PartridgeVote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1Face Coverings in Enclosed Public Spaces (BOH20014(a)) (City Wide) 1.10.1 BOH20014(a) - Face Coverings in Enclosed Public Spaces.pdf2.10.1 BOH20014(a) - Appendix A - A By-law to Require the Wearing of Face Coverings Within Enclosed Public Spaces.pdfThat the recommendations be approved as presented.Yeas (14)Eisenberger, Farr, Maureen Wilson, Nrinder Nann, Esther Pauls, John-Paul Danko, Brad Clark, Merulla, Collins, Jackson, Pearson, B. Johnson, Ferguson, and PartridgeAbsent (2)Whitehead, and VanderBeekVote Type: Majority (Voted), RecordedCARRIED (14 to 0)10.2Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program Budget 2020-2021 (BOH20017) (City Wide) 1.10.2 BOH20017 - Healthy Babies Healthy Families Budget 2020-2021.pdfThat the recommendations be approved, as presented.Yeas (12)Eisenberger, Farr, Esther Pauls, John-Paul Danko, Brad Clark, Merulla, Collins, Jackson, Pearson, B. Johnson, Ferguson, and PartridgeNays (2)Maureen Wilson, and Nrinder NannAbsent (2)Whitehead, and VanderBeekVote Type: Majority (Voted), RecordedCARRIED (12 to 2)10.3Child & Adolescent Services Budget 2020-2021 (BOH20018) (City Wide) 1.10.3 BOH20018 - Child and Adolescent Services Budget 2020-2021.pdf2.10.3 BOH20018 - Appendix A - Letter from Ministry of Health dated March 27 2020.pdfThat the recommendations be approved, as presented.Moved ByPearsonSeconded ByB. JohnsonVote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded10.4Mental Health & Street Outreach Program and Alcohol, Drug & Gambling Services Program Budget 2020-2021 (BOH20016) (City Wide) 1.10.4 (BOH20016) Mental Health Street Outreach Program and Alcohol Drug Gambling Services Program Budget 2020-2021.pdfThat the recommendations be approved, as presented.Yeas (13)Eisenberger, Farr, Nrinder Nann, Esther Pauls, John-Paul Danko, Brad Clark, Merulla, Collins, Jackson, Pearson, B. Johnson, Ferguson, and PartridgeNays (1)Maureen WilsonAbsent (2)Whitehead, and VanderBeekVote Type: Majority (Voted), RecordedCARRIED (13 to 1)10.5Dental Program Update (BOH19026(b)) (City Wide) 1.10.5 BOH19026(b) - Dental Program Update.pdfNote: Due to the lifting of the Provincial embargo on this information, the report has been moved out of Private & Confidential, and into Discussion Items. That the recommendations in the Dental Program Update be approved as presented.Moved ByJacksonSeconded ByPearsonYeas (13)Eisenberger, Farr, Maureen Wilson, Esther Pauls, John-Paul Danko, Brad Clark, Merulla, Collins, Jackson, Pearson, B. Johnson, Ferguson, and PartridgeAbsent (3)Nrinder Nann, Whitehead, and VanderBeekVote Type: Majority (Voted), RecordedCARRIED (13 to 0)15.ADJOURNMENT Yeas (12)Eisenberger, Farr, Maureen Wilson, Esther Pauls, Brad Clark, Merulla, Collins, Jackson, Pearson, B. Johnson, Ferguson, and PartridgeAbsent (4)Nrinder Nann, John-Paul Danko, Whitehead, and VanderBeekVote Type: Majority (Voted), RecordedCARRIED (12 to 0)No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.10.1 BOH20014(a) - Face Coverings in Enclosed Public Spaces.pdf2.10.1 BOH20014(a) - Appendix A - A By-law to Require the Wearing of Face Coverings Within Enclosed Public Spaces.pdf1.10.2 BOH20017 - Healthy Babies Healthy Families Budget 2020-2021.pdf1.10.3 BOH20018 - Child and Adolescent Services Budget 2020-2021.pdf2.10.3 BOH20018 - Appendix A - Letter from Ministry of Health dated March 27 2020.pdf1.10.4 (BOH20016) Mental Health Street Outreach Program and Alcohol Drug Gambling Services Program Budget 2020-2021.pdf1.04.1 Minutes July 10 2020.pdf1.10.5 BOH19026(b) - Dental Program Update.pdf