City of HamiltonGENERAL ISSUES COMMITTEE ADDENDUMMeeting #:21-015Date:Wednesday, August 04, 2021Time: 9:30 A.m. - 8:30 P.m.Location:Due to the COVID-19 and the Closure of City Hall (CC)All electronic meetings can be viewed at:City’s Website: City's YouTube Channel: or Cable 14Stephanie Paparella, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 39935.COMMUNICATIONS Public Comments: 5.1Correspondence respecting Report PED17010(l) - GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles Public Comments: 5.1.nMarguerite Page 1.Correspondence from Marguerite Page (redacted).pdf5.1.oVanessa Hall 1.Correspondence from Vanessa Hall (redacted).pdf5.1.pTanya Darby 1.Correspondence from Tanya Darby (redacted).pdf5.1.qDon Sephton 1.Correspondence from Don Sephton (redacted).pdf5.1.rRuth Woods 1.Correspondence from Ruth Woods (redacted).pdf5.1.sCarmen Cuming 1.Correspondence - Carmen Cuming (redacted).pdf5.1.tTracy Mewhort-Buist 1.Correspondence from Tracy Mewhort- Buist (redacted).pdf5.1.uDavid Sunday, Gowlings WLG, on behalf of 1507565 Ontario Limited, otherwise known as the Frisina Group, respecting GRIDS 2 and the Municipal Comprehensive Review – Land Needs Assessment and Technical Background Reports 1.Correspondence from David Sunday on behalf of the Frsina Group.pdf5.1.vGord McNulty, Hamilton Naturalists' Club 1.Correspondence from Gord McNulty, the Hamilton Naturalists' Club.pdf5.1.wGrant Rinalli 1.Correspondence from Grant Rinalli (redacted).pdf5.1.xIan Branston and Angela Fabe 1.Correspondence from Ian Branston and Angela Fabe (redacted).pdf5.1.yMarie Covert 1.Correspondence from Marie Covert (redacted).pdf5.1.zGail Moffatt 1.Request to Speak - Gail Moffatt (redacted).pdf2.Request to Speak - Gail Moffatt - Attachment (redacted).pdf5.1.aaNancy Dingwall 1.Correspondence from Nancy Dingwall (redacted).pdf5.1.abReverend Daniela Mertz, Reverend Thomas Mertz, Reverend Loretta Jaunzarins, Barbara Alken, and Deborah Lindeman 1.Correspondence from Daniela Mertz, Thomas Mertz, Loretta Jaunzarins and Barbara Alken, Deborah Lindeman.pdf5.1.acStephen Fraser, A.J. Clark and Associates, on behalf of Multi-Area Developments 1.Correspondence from Stephen Fraser, AJ Clark and Assoc, on behalf of Multi-Area Developments.pdf5.1.adSheila O'Neal 1.Correspondence from Sheila O'Neal (redacted).pdf5.1.aeLaurie Neilson 1.Correspondence from Laurie Neilson (redacted).pdf6.DELEGATION REQUESTS Public Comments: 6.2Nancy Hurst, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Nancy Hurst (redacted).pdf6.3Summer Thomas, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Summer Thomas (redacted).pdf6.4James Webb, Webb Planning Consultants, respecting Item 8.2 - Report PED17010(k), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Employment Land Review 1.Request to Speak - James Webb, Webb Plannng Consultants.pdf6.5Mike Collins-Williams, West End Home Builders' Association, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Mike Collins-Williams, West End Home Builders' Association.pdf6.6Dave Aston, MHBC Planning respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Dave Aston, MHBC Planning.pdf2.Dave Aston - Presentation.pdf6.7Lynda Lukasik, Environment Hamilton, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Lynda Lukasik.pdf6.8Lynda Lukasik, Environment Hamilton, respecting Item 8.2 - Report PED17010(k), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Employment Land Review 1.Request to Speak - Lynda Lukasik (10.1).pdf6.9Philip Pothen, Environmental Defence, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Philip Pothen, Environmental Defence.pdf6.10Don McLean, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Don McLean (redacted).pdf6.11Michelle Tom, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Michelle Tom (redacted).pdf6.12T. Anne Wilcox, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - T. Anne Wilcox (redacted).pdf6.13Mariam Hanhan, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Mariam Hanhan (redacted).pdf6.14Zoe Green, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Zoe Green (redacted).pdf6.15Caroline Hill Smith, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Caroline Hill Smith (redacted).pdf6.16Akira Ourique, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Akira Ourique (redacted).pdf6.17Alex Wilson, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Alex Wilson (redacted).pdf6.18Lilly Noble, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Lilly Noble (redacted).pdf6.19Mike Crough, IBI Group Hamilton, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Mike Crough, IBI Group Hamilton.pdf2.Mike Crough - Presentation.pdf6.20Nathan Savelli, respecting Item 8.1 - Report PED17010(l), GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review - Consultation Update and Evaluation Framework and Phasing Principles 1.Request to Speak - Nathan Savelli (redacted).pdfNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Correspondence from Marguerite Page (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence from Vanessa Hall (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence from Tanya Darby (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence from Don Sephton (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence from Ruth Woods (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - Nancy Hurst (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - Summer Thomas (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence - Carmen Cuming (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence from Tracy Mewhort- Buist (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - James Webb, Webb Plannng Consultants.pdf1.Request to Speak - Mike Collins-Williams, West End Home Builders' Association.pdf1.Request to Speak - Dave Aston, MHBC Planning.pdf2.Dave Aston - Presentation.pdf1.Request to Speak - Lynda Lukasik.pdf1.Request to Speak - Philip Pothen, Environmental Defence.pdf1.Request to Speak - Don McLean (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - Michelle Tom (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - T. Anne Wilcox (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - Mariam Hanhan (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - Zoe Green (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - Caroline Hill Smith (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - Akira Ourique (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - Alex Wilson (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - Lynda Lukasik (10.1).pdf1.Correspondence from David Sunday on behalf of the Frsina Group.pdf1.Correspondence from Gord McNulty, the Hamilton Naturalists' Club.pdf1.Correspondence from Grant Rinalli (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence from Ian Branston and Angela Fabe (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence from Marie Covert (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - Gail Moffatt (redacted).pdf2.Request to Speak - Gail Moffatt - Attachment (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence from Nancy Dingwall (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence from Daniela Mertz, Thomas Mertz, Loretta Jaunzarins and Barbara Alken, Deborah Lindeman.pdf1.Correspondence from Stephen Fraser, AJ Clark and Assoc, on behalf of Multi-Area Developments.pdf1.Correspondence from Sheila O'Neal (redacted).pdf1.Correspondence from Laurie Neilson (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - Lilly Noble (redacted).pdf1.Request to Speak - Mike Crough, IBI Group Hamilton.pdf2.Mike Crough - Presentation.pdf1.Request to Speak - Nathan Savelli (redacted).pdf