City of Hamilton

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
Hamilton City Hall
71 Main Street West

​Angela McRae,      Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 5987

(Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)

2023 Access to Housing Centralized Waitlist Update (City Wide)

Revitalizing Hamilton Tax Increment Grant Program Application - 206 King Street West, Hamilton (Ward 2)

Encampment Response - Provincial Funding (City Wide)

Service Manager Consent for Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. Redevelopment of 525 Stonechurch Road East (Ward 7)

Strengthening Local Procurement and Resilience Amid U.S. Tariff Threats (City Wide)

Coordinated Encampment Response Post-protocol (City Wide)

Closed Session Minutes - February 5, 2025


Pursuant to Section 9.3, Sub-Sections (c) and (k) of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, as amended, and Section 239(2), Sub-sections (c) and (k) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matter pertains to a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land for City purposes or a local board; and, a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the City or a local board.

Confidential Appendix "C" to HSC23016(a) - 2023 Social Housing Annual Update


Pursuant to Section 9.3, sub-section (b) of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, as amended, and Section 239(2) sub-section (b)of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matter pertains to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including City or local board employees.

Please see Item 7.2 for Report HSC23016(a) - 2023 Social Housing Annual Update.



Relocation of Hamilton Police Service Marine Unit (Wards 2 and 5)

Pursuant to Section 9.3, Sub-Sections (c), (g) and (k) of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, as amended, and Section 239(2), Sub-sections (c) and (k) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matter pertains to a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land for City purposes or a local board; a matter in respect of which Council or a Committee may hold a closed meeting under an Act other than the Municipal Act, 2001; and, a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the City or a local board.



Confidential Memo - Additional information to Report Cybersecurity Incident Impact Update (CM24004(b))

Pursuant to Section 9.3, Sub-Section (k) of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, as amended, and Section 239(2), Sub-section (k) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matter pertains to a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the City or a local board.



Cyber Incident Impact Update (City Wide)

Pursuant to Section 9.3, Sub-Sections (f) and (k) of the City's Procedural By-law 21-021, as amended, and Section 239(2), Sub-sections (f) and (k) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matter pertains to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the City or a local board.

(This item was DEFERRED from the January 15, 2025 General Issues Committee meeting.)

LS25001 (To Be Distributed) 


Aggregate Resource Tax Legal Update (City Wide)

No Item Selected