City of Hamilton

Due to COVID-19 Hamilton Police Services Board Meetings Will Temporarily be Taking Place Virtually - All electronic meetings can be viewed at:
Hamilton Police Services Board Website: City’s Website: (under meetings)
City of Hamilton's Website:

Call to Order

(Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)

bring the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, into force, new police oversight measures, police training as it related to de-escalation, mental health and diverse communities, mental health and addictions initiatives and investments, Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Planning and the police-hospital transition protocol.

Recommendation: Be received.

Closed Minutes - September 30, 2020

Pursuant to Section 8.1, Sub-sections (e) and (f) of the City's Procedural By-law 18-270, as amended; and, Section 239(2), Sub-sections (e) and (f) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matters pertain to litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

City of Hamilton Transfer Stations and Community Recycling Centres Contract Update (PW20068) (City Wide)

Pursuant to to Section 8.1, Sub-sections (f) and (k) of the City's Procedural By-law 18-270, as amended; and, Section 239(2), Sub-sections (f) and (k) of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, as the subject matters pertain to the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

To Impose a Sanitary Sewer Charge Upon Owners of Land Abutting Garner Road West from Hamilton Drive to Approximately 420m Westerly, in the City of Hamilton

Ward: 12

To Amend By-law No. 01-215

Being a By-law to Regulate Traffic

Schedule 31 – Designated Areas – Reduced Speed Limit – 40KM/h
Schedule 2 – Speed Limits

Schedule 3 – Flashing School Zones
Ward: City Wide

To Amend By-law No. 01-218, as amended,

Being a By-law To Regulate On-Street Parking

Schedule 5 – Parking Meters

Schedule 8 – No Parking

Schedule 12 – Permit

Schedule 13 – No Stopping

Schedule 15 – Commercial Vehicle Loading Zone

Ward: 1,2,3,15

To Amend By-law No. 01-215

Being a By-law To Regulate Traffic

Schedule 2 – Speed Limits

Schedule 3 – Flashing School Zones

Schedule 13 – Designated Traffic Lanes

Schedule 18 – Bike Lanes

Ward: 2,3,6,7,8,9,12,14

Respecting: Removal of Part Lot Control

Block 89 (Parts 1-8), Registered Plan No. 62M-1249 “Empire Caterini, Phase 1”, municipally known as 240, 242, 244, 246, 248, 250, 252 and 254 Kinsman Drive

Ward: 11

To Adopt:

Amendment No. 244 to the City of Hamilton Official Plan Respecting: 282 MacNab Street North, Hamilton

Ward: 2

To Amend Zoning By-law No. 6593 Respecting Lands Located at 282 MacNab Street North, Hamilton

Ward: 2

Respecting Temporary Use By-law for Temporary Tents

Ward: City wide

To Amend By-law No. 05-200 As amended by By-law No. 20-181

Respecting an Addition to and an Extension of the

Temporary Use By-law for Outdoor Commercial Patios

Ward: City Wide

To Repeal By-law No. 78-237 and to Amend Zoning By-law No. 6593 Respecting Lands Located at 175 Catharine Street South and 117 Forest Avenue, Hamilton

To Designate Land Located at 127 Hughson Street North, City of Hamilton as Property of Cultural Heritage Value

Ward: 2

To Confirm Proceedings of Council

No Item Selected