City of Hamilton

Meeting #:18-010
Room 264, 2nd Floor, City Hall
71 Main Street West

Loren Kolar, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 2604

(Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)

Red = Properties where there is a perceived immediate threat to heritage resources through: demolition; neglect; vacancy; alterations, and/or, redevelopment

(i) Tivoli, 108 James Street North, Hamilton (D) – A. Johnson

(ii) Andrew Sloss House, 372 Butter Road West, Ancaster (D) – M. McGaw

(iii) Century Manor, 100 West 5th Street, Hamilton (D) – K. Garay

(iv) Beach Canal Lighthouse (D) – J. Partridge

(v) 18-22 King Street East, Hamilton (R)(NOI) –  K. Stacey

(vi) 24-28 King Street East, Hamilton (R)(NOI) – K. Stacey

(vii) 1 St. James Place, Hamilton (D) – K. Stacey

(viii) 2 Hatt Street, Dundas (R) – K. Stacey

(ix) James Street Baptist Church, 96 James Street South, Hamilton (D) – A. Denham-Robinson

(x)  Dunnington-Grubb Gardens, 1000 Main Street East (within Gage Park) – D. Beland

Yellow = Properties that are undergoing some type of change, such as a change in ownership or use, but are not perceived as being immediately threatened

(i) Delta High School, 1284 Main Street East, Hamilton (D) – D. Beland

(ii) St. Giles United Church, 85 Holton Avenue South (L) – D. Beland

(iii) 2251 Rymal Road East, Stoney Creek (R) – C. Dimitry

(iv) Former Valley City Manufacturing, 64 Hatt Street, Dundas  – K. Stacey

(v) St. Joseph’s Motherhouse, 574 Northcliffe Avenue, Dundas (R) (ND) - K. Stacey

(vi) Coppley Building, 104 King Street West; 56 York Blvd., and 63-76 MacNab Street North (NOI)– G. Carroll

(vii) 1021 Garner Road East, Ancaster (Lampman House) (NOI)– M. McGaw

(viii) Dunnington-Grubb Gardens, 1000 Main Street East (within Gage Park) – D. Beland

Green = Properties whose status is stable

(i) The Royal Connaught Hotel, 112 King Street East, Hamilton (R) – T. Ritchie

(ii) Auchmar, 88 Fennell Avenue West, Hamilton (D) – K. Garay

(iii) Jimmy Thompson Pool, 1099 King Street E., Hamilton (R) – T. Ritchie
(iv) Treble Hall, 4-12 John Street North, Hamilton (R) – T. Ritchie

(v) 104 King Street West, Dundas (Former Post Office) – K. Stacey

Black = Properties that HMHC have no control over and may be demolished

(i) Auchmar Gate House, Claremont Lodge 71 Claremont Drive (R) – K. Garay