City of HamiltonTRUCK ROUTESUB-COMMITTEEAGENDAMeeting #:22-001Date:Monday, March 28, 2022Time: 9:30 A.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Due to the COVID-19 and the Closure of City Hall (CC)All electronic meetings can be viewed at:City’s Website: City's YouTube Channel: or Cable 14Angela McRae, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 59871.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1November 29, 2021 1.Truck_Route_Minutes_-_November_29__2021.pdf5.COMMUNICATIONS 5.1Correspondence respecting the Truck Route Master Plan Update: Recommendation: Be received and referred to consideration of item 8.1 - Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(c)) (City Wide)5.1.aDeborah Martin 1.Martin, Deborah - Truck Route Sub-Committee - REDACTED.pdf6.DELEGATION REQUESTS 6.1Delegation Requests respecting The Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(c)) (City Wide), for today's meeting: 6.1.aVirtual Delegation Requests: 6.1.a.aLarissa Fenn, Hamilton Oshawa Port Authority 1.Delegation Requst - Fenn, Larissa, HOPA.pdf7.CONSENT ITEMS 8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 8.1Truck Route Master Plan Update (PED19073(c)) (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List Item) 1.PED19073(c).pdf2.PED19073(c) - App A.pdf3.PED19073(c) - App B.pdf4.Truck Route Master Plan Review - TRSC Meeting - March 28, 2022.pdf9.PUBLIC HEARINGS / DELEGATIONS 10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 11.MOTIONS 12.NOTICES OF MOTION 13.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 14.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 15.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Truck_Route_Minutes_-_November_29__2021.pdf1.Martin, Deborah - Truck Route Sub-Committee - REDACTED.pdf1.PED19073(c).pdf2.PED19073(c) - App A.pdf3.PED19073(c) - App B.pdf4.Truck Route Master Plan Review - TRSC Meeting - March 28, 2022.pdf1.Delegation Requst - Fenn, Larissa, HOPA.pdf