City of HamiltonHERITAGE PERMIT REVIEW SUB-COMMITTEEAGENDAMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, July 19, 2022Time: 5:00 P.m. - 8:00 P.m.Location:YouTube Channel Streaming for Virtual Meetings (due to COVID)Due to the COVID-19 and the Closure of City HallAll electronic meetings can be viewed at:City’s YouTube Channel: Knowles, Cultural Heritage Planner, Ext. 1291 Stacey Kursikowski, Cultural Heritage Planner, Ext. 1202 Chloe Richer, Cultural Heritage Planner, Ext. 7163 (905) 546-24241.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)2.1HPRS Agenda - July 19, 2022 1.HPRS Agenda July 19, 2022.pdf3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1HPRS Minutes - June 21, 2022 1.HPRSC MEETING MINUTES JUNE21 2022 FINAL.pdf5.COMMUNICATIONS 6.DELEGATION REQUESTS 7.CONSENT ITEMS 8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 9.PUBLIC HEARINGS / DELEGATIONS 10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1HP2022-020 – 28-44 James Street North, Hamilton (Part IV) Repair storefront windowsills, window and wood door stops; Remove the remaining damaged copper cladding; and Replacement cladding to be wood to provide proper water management and to discourage future vandalism and theft. 10.2HP2021-021 – 71 Main Street West, Hamilton (Part IV) Redirecting and relocating the location of the exhaust air from the basement mechanical room; The current location of the exhaust air is at the ground level of the south entrance of City Hall; and The preferred option (Option 2) is the installation of new exhaust air louvres at the south side of the existing duct shafts. Air will be discharged beneath the bridge to the Hunter St. parking lot. 10.3HP2022-015 – 150 James Street South, Hamilton (Part IV) Installation of signage (42" x 36") to the front façade in the same location as previous signage, above the two front windows. 10.4HP2022-016 – 120 King Street East, Hamilton (Part IV) Installation of two new signs (fascia sign and blade sign) on the front façade. 10.5HP2022-019 – 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton (Part IV) Two sets of existing north and south exterior painted white oak wood doors at west elevation at Lower Floor are being proposed to be replaced due to ongoing maintenance issues of these doors; Modification of existing ventilation ducting servicing Alumni Memorial Building; Addition of new HVAC unit complete with screening to be located on lower roof of existing kitchen addition on north end of building. Unit to be ducted into Kitchen through same lower roof. The colour of screening to be earth tone, the same as the existing door frames, to blend into the existing brick façade; and Existing roof top exhaust fan located above Alumni Memorial Building Lobby to be upgraded to new unit in the same location. Colour of duct and fan to be painted to match existing and blend the existing sloped roof colour. 10.6HP2022-018 – 29 Union Street, Flamborough (Part V) Retroactive application for cladding of brick façades; and, Exterior walls are now wrapped with exterior insulation (1") with 3/4" strapping to vent wood siding (Fraser Wood Siding, 6" V groove on all exterior facades except for the front gable, which is board and batten with 1" boards). 10.7HP2022-017 – 131 St. Clair Avenue, Hamilton (Part V) Replacement of approximately 36-38 original windows with modern painted vinyl windows; and The grills will also be part of the front exterior windows to match the existing look that is part of the original windows. 11.MOTIONS 12.NOTICES OF MOTION 13.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 14.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 15.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.HPRS Agenda July 19, 2022.pdf1.HPRSC MEETING MINUTES JUNE21 2022 FINAL.pdf