City of Hamilton


Council Chambers
Hamilton City Hall
71 Main Street West



Fire Chief Cunliffe and Firefighters Without Borders



Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item 3 of Planning Committee Report 22-012.

Recommendation: Be received and referred to the consideration of Item 1 of General Issues Committee Report 22-016.





To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 170 to the Urban Hamilton Official Plan Respecting 136 and 144 Upper Mount Albion Road (former City of Stoney Creek)

Ward: 9

To Amend Zoning By-law No. 05-200, Respecting Lands Located at 136 and 144 Upper Mount Albion Road (Stoney Creek)


Ward: 9

To Amend By-law No. 01-215, Being a By-law to Regulate Traffic

Schedule 2 (Speed Limits)

Schedule 9 (No Right Turn on Red)

Schedule 11 (No Left Turn on Red)

Schedule 13 (Designated Traffic Lanes)

Ward: 1, 2, 3, 5

A By-law to Establish a Municipal Accommodation Tax

Ward: City Wide

Being a By-law to Permanently Close a Portion of Public Unassumed Alley Abutting 46 Ferguson Avenue South, Hamilton, established by Registered Plan 48, in the City of Hamilton, designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 62R-21195, being Part of PIN 17169-0382 (LT), City of Hamilton

Ward: 2

A By-law to Deem a Part of a Subdivision Not to Be Registered, Blocks 131, 132, 133 and 134, inclusive, of Registered Plan No. 62M-1085

Ward: 14

To Amend Zoning By-law No. 87-57, Respecting Lands Located at 154 Wilson Street East, Ancaster


Ward: 12

To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 172 to the Urban Hamilton Official Plan Respecting 705 and 713 Rymal Road East

Ward: 6

To Amend Zoning By-law No. 6593, Respecting Lands Located at 705 and 713 Rymal Road East


Ward: 6

To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 175 to the Urban Hamilton Official Plan Respecting Bill 13 & Bill 109 Implementation

Ward: City Wide

To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 36 to the Rural Hamilton Official Plan Respecting Bill 13 and Bill 109 Implementation

Ward: City Wide

To Delegate Removal of a Holding Symbol, Approval and Extension of a Temporary Use By-law and Minor Zoning By-law Amendment

Ward: City Wide

Being a By-law to Require the Conveyance of Land for Park or Other Public Recreational Purposes as a Condition of Development or Redevelopment or the Subdivision of Land

Ward: City Wide

To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 249 to the City of Hamilton Official Plan Respecting 405 James Street North (Hamilton)

Ward: 2

To Amend Zoning By-law No. 05-200, Respecting Lands Located at 405 James Street North, Hamilton


Ward: 2

Delegation of Consent Authority and Constituting a Committee of Adjustment

Ward: City Wide

To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 174 to the Urban Hamilton Official Plan, Respecting 1842 King Street East

Ward: 4

To Amend Zoning By-law No. 05-200, Respecting Lands Located at 1842 King Street East, in the City of Hamilton


Ward: 4

To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 176 to the Urban Hamilton Official Plan Respecting 510 Centennial Parkway North (Hamilton)

Ward: 5

To Amend Zoning By-law No. 6593 (Hamilton), as amended, Respecting Lands Located at 510 Centennial Parkway North, Hamilton


Ward: 5

Hamilton 60 Caledon Avenue Municipal Housing Project Facilities By-law

Ward: 8

No Item Selected