City of Hamilton

Meeting #:
HPRC 25-002
YouTube Channel Streaming for Virtual Meetings
All electronic meetings can be viewed at:
City’s YouTube Channel:

Alissa Golden, Email: [email protected], Phone: ext. 1202

Lisa Christie, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: ext. 1291

Meg Oldfield, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: ext. 7163

Scott Dickinson, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: ext. 7167

(Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)

Heritage Permit Review Sub-Committee Minutes of the meeting held on January 21, 2025.

The Heritage Permit Review Sub-Committee is an advisory body that reviews all Heritage Permit applications under Part IV and Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act and provides advice to Cultural Heritage Planning staff, the Director of Planning and Chief Planner and the Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee on whether the application should be approved with or without conditions, or whether it should be refused.

  • Removal of a Sugar Maple Tree in the City right-of-way due to unsafe conditions; and,
  • Planting a replacement Armstrong Maple tree in the same location as the Sugar Maple to be removed.

Note: This permit is retroactive due to the emergency nature of the tree removal.

  • Demolition of the existing contemporary one storey detached (24' x 24') garage;
  • Demolition of the detached rear woodshed (approximately 140 sqft); and
  • Construction of a new one-and-one-half storey detached (24' x 29') structure, including:
    • A two-door garage in the first storey with carriage-style doors;
    • White vinyl windows with mullions;
    • Clapboard siding (materials to be confirmed); and,
    • Asphalt shingles.
  • Restoration of existing wood windows on the front façade.
  • Replacement in kind of the front door, painted black to match shutters. The front entrance sidelights, transom and surrounds to remain and be painted cream.

Note: The Heritage Permit Review Sub-Committee provided feedback on a preliminary version of this proposal as part of a pre-consultation application at their meeting on January 21, 2025.

  • Demolition of existing two-storey rear brick addition;
  • Construction of new two-storey rear addition with a hip roof and clad with salvaged historic brick; and,
  • Localized masonry repairs on the original structure.

Note: The Heritage Permit Review Sub-Committee provided feedback on a preliminary version of this proposal as part of a pre-consultation application at their meeting on January 21, 2025.

  • Construction of two seven-storey structures surrounding the heritage home.
