City of HamiltonPLANNING COMMITTEE REVISED AGENDAMeeting #:21-007Date:Tuesday, May 04, 2021Time: 9:30 A.m. - 4:30 P.m.Location:Due to the COVID-19 and the Closure of City Hall (CC)All electronic meetings can be viewed at:City’s Website: City's YouTube Channel: or Cable 14Lisa Kelsey, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 46051.CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Added Items, if applicable, will be noted with *)3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1April 20, 2021 1.04.1 Minutes April 20 201 PC.pdf5.COMMUNICATIONS 6.DELEGATION REQUESTS 6.1Louis Zavodni respecting Demolition Permit Conditions for 1462 Upper James Street (For the May 18, 2021 meeting) 1.06.1 Louis Zavodni.pdf6.2Rick Bartels respecting Denial of a Site Alteration Permit (For the May 18, 2021 meeting) 6.3John Ariens, IBI Group, respecting 1575 Upper Ottawa Street Minor Variance Appeal (Item 10.1) (For the May 4th meeting) 1.06.3 Ariens Presentation.pdf7.CONSENT ITEMS 7.1Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Report 21-002 1.07.1 Agriculture and Rural Affairs Advisory Committee Report 21-002 April 12, 2021.pdf7.2Animal Services and Ren’s Pets Program (PED21079) (City Wide) 1.07.2 PED21079 - Rens Program Animal Services.pdf7.3City Initiative (CI) 18-A – Modifications to Site Plan Control By-law No. 15-176, as amended by By-law Nos. 18-104 and 19-026, in the Existing Residential “ER” Zone in the Town of Ancaster Zoning By-law No. 87-57 (PED21022) (Ward 12) 1.07.3 PED21022.pdf2.07.3 PED21022 Appendix A.pdf3.07.3 PED21022 Appendix B.pdf4.07.3 PED21022 Appendix C.pdf8.STAFF PRESENTATIONS 9.PUBLIC HEARINGS / DELEGATIONS 9.1Michael Sullivan, LandPro Planning Solutions Inc. respecting Approval to Appeal Committee of Adjustment File GL/B-20:16 (5020 Tyneside Road) to LPAT - Settlement Offer - WITHDRAWN (Approved at the April 20th meeting)9.2Delegations respecting the OPA's Farm Labour House Policy (Approved at the April 20th meeting) (i) Prem Tewari(ii) Hardeep Singh9.3Applications for an Urban Hamilton Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment for lands located at 354 King Street East (PED21076) (Ward 1) 1.PED21076.pdf2.PED21076 Appendix A.pdf3.PED21076 Appendix B.pdf4.PED21076 Appendix C.pdf5.PED21076 Appendix D.pdf6.PED21076 Appendix E.pdf7.PED21076 Appendix F.pdf8.09.3 PED21076 - Andrea Dear.pdf9.3.aRegistered Delegations: 9.3.a.aRobert Hilverth, Strathcona Shadow Dwellers (Pre-recorded) 1.09.3 a a Hilverth.pdf9.3.a.bWayne MacPhail, Strathcona Shadow Dwellers 1.09.3 a b MacPhail.pdf9.3.a.cMichael-Allan Marion, Strathcona Shadow Dwellers 9.3.a.dJennifer Kinnunen (Pre-recorded) 9.3.a.eAleda O'Connor 9.3.bWritten Submissions: 9.3.b.aAleda O'Connor 1.09.3 b i O'Connor.pdf9.3.b.bBarbara Ledger 1.09.3 b b Ledger.pdf9.3.b.cJennifer Burt 1.09.3 b c Burt.pdf9.3.b.dTheo Van Kooten 1.09.3 b d Van Kooten.pdf10.DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1Request for Direction to proceed with Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decision to Approve Minor Variance Application HM/A-20:258, for lands located at 1575 Upper Ottawa Street, Hamilton (PED21098) (Ward 6) 1.10.1 PED21098.pdf2.10.1 PED21098 Appendix A.pdf3.10.1 PED21098 Appendix B.pdf4.10.1 PED21098 Appendix C.pdf5.10.1 PED21098 Appendix D.pdf6.10.1 PED21098 Appendix E.pdf10.2Request for Direction to Proceed with Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Consent and Minor Variance Applications GL/B-20:61 and GL/A-20:199 for the Lands Located at 5020 Tyneside Road (Glanbrook) (PED21093) (Ward 11) 1.10.2 PED21093.pdf2.10.2 PED21093 Appendix A.pdf3.10.2 PED21093 Appendix B.pdf4.10.2 PED21093 - Velimir Lazarevic.pdf10.3Waterdown Community Node Secondary Plan Study Area Project Update and Options Regarding the Interim Control By-law (By-law Nos. 20-101 and 20-102) (PED21085) (Ward 15) 1.10.3 PED21085.pdf2.10.3 PED21085 Appendix A.pdf3.10.3 PED21085 Appendix B.pdf4.10.3 PED21085 - Melanie Pham.pdf11.MOTIONS 11.1Water and Waste Water Infrastructure Upgrades to Support Intensification 1.11.1 Water and Waste Water Infrastructure Upgrades to Support Intensification.pdf12.NOTICES OF MOTION 13.GENERAL INFORMATION / OTHER BUSINESS 14.PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 15.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.07.1 Agriculture and Rural Affairs Advisory Committee Report 21-002 April 12, 2021.pdf1.07.2 PED21079 - Rens Program Animal Services.pdf1.06.1 Louis Zavodni.pdf1.11.1 Water and Waste Water Infrastructure Upgrades to Support Intensification.pdf1.04.1 Minutes April 20 201 PC.pdf1.07.3 PED21022.pdf2.07.3 PED21022 Appendix A.pdf3.07.3 PED21022 Appendix B.pdf4.07.3 PED21022 Appendix C.pdf1.10.1 PED21098.pdf2.10.1 PED21098 Appendix A.pdf3.10.1 PED21098 Appendix B.pdf4.10.1 PED21098 Appendix C.pdf5.10.1 PED21098 Appendix D.pdf6.10.1 PED21098 Appendix E.pdf1.PED21076.pdf2.PED21076 Appendix A.pdf3.PED21076 Appendix B.pdf4.PED21076 Appendix C.pdf5.PED21076 Appendix D.pdf6.PED21076 Appendix E.pdf7.PED21076 Appendix F.pdf8.09.3 PED21076 - Andrea Dear.pdf1.10.2 PED21093.pdf2.10.2 PED21093 Appendix A.pdf3.10.2 PED21093 Appendix B.pdf4.10.2 PED21093 - Velimir Lazarevic.pdf1.10.3 PED21085.pdf2.10.3 PED21085 Appendix A.pdf3.10.3 PED21085 Appendix B.pdf4.10.3 PED21085 - Melanie Pham.pdf1.09.3 a a Hilverth.pdf1.09.3 b i O'Connor.pdf1.09.3 a b MacPhail.pdf1.09.3 b c Burt.pdf1.09.3 b b Ledger.pdf1.09.3 b d Van Kooten.pdf1.06.3 Ariens Presentation.pdf