Drug Mart - Appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board by Shoppers Drug Mart
Limited for Lands Located at 620, 622, and 624 King Street West, 22 and 24
Dundurn Street North, and 41, 45, 47, 49, 55, and 59 Head Street (Hamilton)
regarding Official Plan Amendment Application OPA-12-011, Zoning By-law
Amendment Application ZAC-12-028, Site Plan Application DA-13:175, UHOP
Official Plan Amendment 14-002, and the Strathcona Secondary Plan (Hamilton)
(Ward 1) (LS14039/PED14228) (distributed under separate cover)
Pursuant to
Sub-sections 8.1(f) and (e) of the City’s Procedural By-law and Section 239.2
of the Municipal Act as the subject matter pertains to the receiving of
advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including
communications necessary for that purpose and litigation or potential
litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the
municipality or local board